MovieChat Forums > Displays and Projectors > When you watch your HDTV-

When you watch your HDTV-

-do you set your picture controls to "Dynamic", "Standard", or "Movie"?

I watch everything in "Dynamic". I tried "Movie" and was very disappointed because it looked rather drab and washed out.


For DLP's, Dynamic is better--basically what it means is that the lamp brightens when there's a bright scene, and dims when the scene is darker. The upside is that the viewing experience is better; the downside is it reportedly puts more wear and tear on the bulb, shortening its lifespan.

So personally, I set the picture controls to Standard unless it's a special viewing occasion, like showing off a really good-looking movie to friends, or savoring a highly anticipated new Blu-Ray release.


I have an LCD-TV, and I get HD cable on it.




