Please recommend a good online music streaming service
Update on my Spotify fiasco/debaucle: As a result of overall bad customer service and no phone number to reach them, not to mention their retarded rule about REQUIRING an active Facebook account in order to stream them (plus not being able to "re-link" my account to a new anonymous/alias dummy FB acct I created for the sole purpose of that), add to that some bad reviews I've read by doing a simple google search, I am making the wise decision to take my business elsewhere - they don't deserve it. That said, does anyone know of a good music streaming service? I'm leaning toward PandoraOne (even though I'm not real crazy about the fact that they want you to cough up $36 for the year, as opposed to monthly payments- however that amounts to only $3 per month, which is WAY cheaper than Spotify, and I don't think you're required to have an active FB account) - but, I'd like to get a feel for if someone knows any others they feel strongly about that they'd like to recommend, please.
I love Sasha Vujacic !!