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What is the best tablet?

My birthday is in a few weeks, and I'm thinking about getting a tablet for my birthday, but I don't know which one. I've read many reviews, and watched many videos on different tablet, but they all seem good. I already have an ipod touch and an android phone, so I was thinking of maybe an ipad 3 or one of the android tablets. The Toshiba Thrive seems good since you can connect flash drives to it and it has an SD card slot on it. I just wanted to know what you all on imdb thinks.


I have an iPad 2 and use it daily, it's the best thing I've bought in the last 12 months. It's especially good for reading books because you can add highlights and bookmarks. If you already use iTunes then the iPad will sync up with your library and it's easy to add content.

If you want Android, get the Google Nexus 7. It's gotten rave reviews, it doesn't have bloatware, and it'll get future updates without delays. Non-Nexus Android devices are notorious for being slow in getting updates - only 7% of Android tablets have ICS, most are still on Gingerbread. adoption-rate-05232277/ Nexus 7 has the latest Android update, which is Jellybean.

So if you want Apple, get a black 16GB iPad, if you want Android then get the 8GB Nexus 7. Either way you'll have a very useful device.

reply 89H2I8I/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1342658931&sr=1-2


Progeny, that link you gave shows a high priced tablet, and some brand I've never heard of, plus it has no customer reviews. I'm only going with known brands and if I want a $700+ tablet, I might as well go with Apple.

If this will help anyone, the capacity wouldn't matter, I could probably get a 64 GB iPad since I already have a 64 GB ipod touch, I would use it for surfing the web, games, school, and watching videos.


The Ipad is a poor imitation of proper tablets.

Go with an HP or Toshiba then. Acer has some okay stuff.


I'd go with something like the Toshiba that has expansion options. Gigabyte has been making computer stuff for a long time (my 486DX motherboard was Gigabyte), but they haven't been a big name in portables like Toshiba has.

Or maybe I'd just get a netbook and have a proper keyboard and more ports.

You need to think about what you're really going to use it for.


Well, I ended up getting an iPad since I alread had an iPod touch. I love it, so sorry for the
people who tried to persuade me otherwise.


I'm sure the iPad is very good. I'd just find the lack of connection options intolerable. It'd be like getting a sports car with no trunk space and a hood that can only be opened by the dealer's mechanics. Fine if you always take it to the dealer for service, send your shopping home by cab and have your PA take the luggage to the airport.


@micro22chip Well I think you made the right choice, by now you're probably wondering how you ever lived without it!
