MovieChat Forums > Gadgets > WHY Does My Xbox 360 Suck So Hard?

WHY Does My Xbox 360 Suck So Hard?

I swear ive come so close to drop-kicking this damned thing out my window so many times ...

There i am, blissfully shooting pirates by the boatload while playing Far Cry 3, and then i decide to switch it up and play a few rounds od Tiger Woods Golf.

So i exit FC3, slip in the TW disc, and (of course)...

...the gOd@#ned console keeps telling me to: "Open Tray."

No matter how many times i do the old open/close, open/close, open/close move, and no matter how well i clean the disc, clear the cache, restart the console etc...the damned thing WILL NOT PLAY the Tiger Woods game, even though i had no problem switching out discs and playing it the day before.


No luck calling the Xbox troubleshooters, because ultimately, (after jumping thru all the hoops and suggestions they give) they'll finally say, "Ummm...well sir uou can always have your unit repaired by us...for $125" ( plus shipping)

No thanks. It's my 2nd Xbox, and i'm not about to pay another dime to fix this one too!

Does anybidy know a trick to get this thing working right?

"Stick with me, baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk."
