MovieChat Forums > The Watercooler > Organ Donors Memorial

Organ Donors Memorial

If they complain there is a shortage of organ donors, how about crediting them where credit is due. Hospitals should have organ donor memorials: not just symbolic statues, but ones with names like a war memorial. All people who sign up to be organ donors should automatically qualify, whether or not their organs are harvested and save another persons life (given the potentially large number of such people, maybe these people should be in a computer terminal or printed volume... that said, they do have to die first). Special mention should be given to those whose organs do save anothers life. Everyone from director to key grip gets immortalized in film credits, why is there this idea that people don't desire some gratitude for signing away their organs? I am told some doctors won't try to save you under certain circumstances if you are an organ donor. Whether or not that is a valid concern, you and I don't know so the least they can do is give something back in the form of gratitude.

I think a lot of recipients probably couldn't care less where the organ came from, the backstory of the person who gave them it, only 'special cases' would and you would tend to hear about these special cases as they would be newsworthy. Most people are sacks of *beep* who tread all over people in life (even when they think they're saints). Mandatory organ donorship is designed just for these people. They think they are entitled to it, don't have to earn it with being a good person to others. In some cases, prolonging a persons life may even harm or even kill another: those who drive people to suicide through redundancy or digging into and belittling them, and possibly even murderers.

(If anyone wants to debate the badness of my moral character, bear in mind I don't want to be a recipient of anothers organ. I also signed up to be an organ donor already.)

Cover up: (in short: 18:43)


Good idea. We can mark on our driver's license if we wish to be a donor. I am, but I don't know how many of my organs would do any one any good. My brother-in-law donated and when he passed, they even used skin, etc. but he was still able to have an open casket.

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I had a choice of organs I could donate, and I don't believe I included the skin. I don't want my corpse skinned. That is too gruesome. Whether they respect that, who the *beep* knows. I suspect they won't. It's probably just there to make people think they are in control.

Cover up: (in short: 18:43)


I don't think we get to choose. I think they also used some of his veins. I think they're glad for anything they can get.

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I offered to donate my organ to North Kansas City Hospital.

But they said they didn't need it.

I told them it was in perfect condition but they said they already have a grand piano.


but a grand piano isn't an organ, even though they both have keys. 

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That's what I told them.

They gave me some long-winded excuse about only having so much room
and blah blah blah...........

But I think It really boils down to narrow minded bigotry and discrimination.
They're just trying to keep Wurlitzers out of their hospital.


What I don't want is my body *beep* around with as a medical plaything. The organs have to go to a person who needs it or stay with me. I don't want some med students playing football with my bladder. I don't remember having this (no medical teaching) as an option. If the skin is used for grafting, usually burnt skin and grafted skin both look horrific. It's nasty either way. I guess it's when they actually need it (burnt clean off), not cosmetic? Don't they have synthetic stuff? I remember hearing about that way back in the '90s, unless the media was full of *beep* as they usually are.

Can you imagine a cold room of human body suits?

Cover up: (in short: 18:43)


I'm an organ donor including bone marrow. A family member received kidneys and other organs which saved his life so I believe in it. A local hospital has a big board in their lobby which lists organ donors.

To do is to be - Socrates
To be is to do - Descartes
Do be do be - Sinatra 
