MovieChat Forums > The Watercooler > Open invitiation

Open invitiation

I run Its not one of the huge, out of control forums on the internet and there is plenty of discussion about movies. With IMDB shutting down their forums, anyone who wants to continue discussing movies in a forum style format instead of social media is welcome to come join my forum.


Check this out:


I think that's admirable. I see there are 10 political threads and about that many other threads total, which is probably why they're shutting this place down. My offer still stands for people who want to discuss movies and TV and not fight and bicker. Also as someone who's run a forum for 10 years and moderated one for 5 years before that, a free site isn't going to handle any reasonable amount of traffic. I had to go through multiple painful and expensive upgrades.

I hope it works out, but if it doesn't you're still welcome to join my existing forum.

I would be grateful, and happy to have you.
