MovieChat Forums > The Watercooler > Kennedy75: Eternal Love of the Watercool...

Kennedy75: Eternal Love of the Watercooler/Sandbox

I know you're in heaven, chiiiiiiiiiild. I know you're playing with the baby horsies, twirling on that heavenly ranch as the good Lord's sun radiates on that golden head of hair that flows when you skip through the fields of paradise.

I wanted to tell you that our beloved Imdb message board is closing forever. The last time we spoke was August 18, 2006. I will never forget that day. It's the last time I spoke to an angel. We miss you and with all the old friends coming back to say goodbye, I can't help but think of how wonderful it would be if you were able to grace us with your presence one more time.

I will light a candle in your memory and gaze into your pictures that I am so lucky to have all these years later. I can't decide which picture to gaze in to because they look so different when comparing them side to side. It was probably that darn disease that took you from us that made you look so different in every photo......I'm sorry, I can't hold back the tears, it's been so long since I heard your voice and I get emotional when I think of those times we chatted for hours at a time. God bless you Kenichiiiiiiiiiiiild. You'll always have a place in our hearts.

Friends of the Watercooler, please say a prayer for Keni tonight. Remember her how she was and not how she looked right before God forgot to wind her heart. AMEN

 William Forsythe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


genuflects ξ€…

Deolicious1 in a past life. Woot?


Mad respect yo

 William Forsythe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
