Dear Forever Alone,
You've actually hit upon the one area of romance in which I actually DO have an expertise. Being single and alone on Valentine's Day is pretty much my forte. My personal favorite Valentine's Day activity is "Netflix and Zero Chill," wherein I binge a TV show while eating chocolate I've bought for myself. However, failing that, here are a few other options to consider:
-Google "What to do on Valentine's Day when you're single," read one of the articles, and see how long it takes before you want to blow your brains out.
-Go skydiving. That way, the next day, when your attached friends/coworkers/acquaintances are bragging about what they did with their significant others, you can say, "Oh, that's nice, I guess, but I jumped out of a goddamn plane!"
-Grab someone off the street. Preferably someone attractive. Kidnap them. They are now your Valentine's Day date. Force them at gunpoint to make you dinner and buy you flowers.
-A lot of people will tell you to watch a marathon of your favorite movies. That's bush league, though. If you really want an adventure, try living your favorite movies. Steal the Declaration of Independence. Put your ex on a plane to France and never see them again. Put a horse's head into the bed of a business rival. The possibilities are endless!
-Keep reminding yourself that the next day, chocolate goes on really good sale.
Sayonara. Not to be confused with cyanide, which is, of course, goodbye in any language.