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Windows 7 is the new Windows XP, here's why...

Here's another great article. I encourage you to need the whole thing, but I've posted a summary with the link below:

But what if Microsoft’s scariest nightmare comes true? What i[f] Windows 7 becomes the next Windows XP? What if most users refuse to upgrade and continue to use Windows 7 until 2020 when support expires, and even beyond.

We believe this is a very probable scenario for the following reasons:
1. Users are frustrated and feel Microsoft betrayed them.
2. Lots of Windows 10 bugs!
3. Windows 10 collects very private information about its users — more than Windows 7 does.
4. Windows 7 still runs fine.
5. Old peripherals might not work on Windows 10.


The real funny thing is that according to last month's internet bot stats, ~10% of PC's are still running XP. (A reminder: XP was introduced fifteen years ago.)

They say genius skips a generation. Mom's a genius, so I guess I'm a genius too


The real funny thing is that according to last month's internet bot stats, ~10% of PC's are still running XP. (A reminder: XP was introduced fifteen years ago.) - em745

I also saw a recent article about that:

Windows XP standing the test of time despite no support from Microsoft


Lots of Windows 10 bugs!

in my particular case i have noticed bugs and i been on it since Dec 1st 2015. but really only one i notice at the moment...

while it's not a show stopper, when i click the 'search the web and Windows' thing and type in things like 'about' etc (which selects 'About your PC'(with system settings listed there to)) and then you press enter (when it's highlighted) but nothing happens and just stays there like you never pressed the enter key on that screen(everything else seems to still function like normal though outside of that). well normally it's supposed to load it up but it currently does not load anything like that if i go through there (which is quicker then the more traditional ways) and instead have to go through other ways like 'Start > Settings > System > About' etc to access it which does work to access that same thing. it's just a bit annoying as typing 'about' in there is much quicker to access it vs doing it the old fashioned way.

but i don't know if that's super common or not as it seems to be really acting up after the recent 10586.420 build released very recently. hopefully in next months (at least i think it's next month) more major release that this issue will be gone.

even before the 10586.420 build i still got the issue occasionally but now it seems permanent as after my PC updated to the 420 build i rebooted and tried doing that and it did not work. even after a reboot i think i got it to load up once like it should and then after that it went back to not working again(this was even after the windows fix thing below took place).

i suspect it's going to be a while before Windows 10 is Windows 7 level stable over a wider range of PC's.

side note: for kicks i just tried the 'About' thing and it apparently works again. wtf! ; hopefully whatever it was is gone but ill find out soon enough as i continue to use my PC as the days and weeks pass to see if it pops up again.

but overall i like Windows 10 more than Windows 7 even though it's not as polished in terms of general stability.

but with that said... ill probably eventually have to mess with my sisters laptop to get it back to decent running order as she apparently got forced into the Windows 10 upgrade automatically and said her HDMI port no longer seems to work in Windows 10. i am thinking drivers or possible clean install will probably fix it though. but then again her laptop might be fairly old to where there might be no specific Windows 10 drivers. but i am still waiting on her giving me the model of it so i can look into it.

p.s. on a side note... it's kind of messed up that my Windows 10 installation apparently had some messed up files even though i clean installed it less than a month ago. i ran this which is the first thing listed (i.e. "Check and repair corrupt Windows files") here... ; i got the "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and repaired them" after the scan was finished.

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I'm sticking with XP. LOL!

7 seems okay (except for the Win10 malware) but some of my old software doesn't run and I use Movie Maker quite a bit and they ruined it in 7. Also, it's a huge resource hog.

So I will probably transition to 7 slowly about the time they are getting ready to end support.


I'm sticking with XP. LOL! I use Movie Maker quite a bit and they ruined it in 7. - MonkeyMayhem

I am not much of a Movie Maker user. I used it once in Windows XP. I didn't install it on my Windows 7 box until I needed it (eight months after I switched to this computer). And I've used it once.

Although the Windows Live version of Movie Maker was different, the only real problem I had with it was getting my video saved in a wide screen format. To solve that problem, I downloaded from I then successfully used that to to fix the Windows DVD Maker Aspect Ratio problems noted in:


Also, it's a huge resource hog.

Windows 7 a resource hog?

if you truly believe that your PC had got to be quite old as just about any PC hardware not TOO old can easily run Windows 7.

nowadays... just about everyone should have at least 4GB of RAM as going much under that and your general system performance will suffer. 2GB or less is just flat out not enough RAM as modern web browser can burn through that fairly quickly. get a new PC as if your PC is quite old, even some really cheap PC's now will be a big performance boost.

p.s. Windows XP should not be used at this point (just based on that Microsoft has not supported it for about 2 years now) for a OS your using to go online etc. it's a 15 year old OS on top of it.

So I will probably transition to 7 slowly about the time they are getting ready to end support.

Jan 2020 Microsoft stops support of Windows 7. why would you wait that long to change to it? ; does not make any sense.

i can understand someone not upgrading to a new OS too quickly but to wait that long is going to the other end of the extreme.

and I use Movie Maker quite a bit and they ruined it in 7.

i am not familiar with that software but i would imagine there has to be decent alternatives that are more modern?

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You're clueless.

As well as my 12 year old Dell laptop that runs GREAT I also got an even older server box that I built in the 90's running NT and 98se and a 10 year old lapshade iMac with that awesome G4 processor - THEY ALL RUN GREAT!

I also got a newer one but the old ones run better/ less fancy stuff to gum up the works.


You're clueless.

trolling? ; you honestly think what i said is wrong?

if your on a modern OS (which damn near everyone for a main computer should be on Windows 7 or newer at this point(assuming we sticking to Windows based computers)) then what i said about ram is quite accurate.

2GB is really THE minimum (for Windows OS's that ain't ancient) but 4GB or more is best for general use. i got 8GB though which makes it so RAM will not be a issue on my computer for the foreseeable future as for general use it's not going to become a issue for many years.

i am not saying your 12 year old computer will suddenly drop off a cliff but if it's not got sufficient RAM it can really slow things down even if the CPU is still half way decent assuming your not using super old OS's. because i am sure my older computer i had in 2006 (so 10 years old) would still be alright for general use IF it had more RAM. but upgrading RAM on that just ain't worth it given it's expensive for old hardware. like is rather expensive for old/slow RAM where as the modern stuff is cheaper and you get much more of it. i.e. it's just not worth putting money into that old 10 year compter. which is why i just removed the old motherboard/cpu/RAM in my main PC case back in May 2012 for my current setup as it was a big preformance boost for not much $$$ (about $220-230 if i recall correctly).

p.s. i know with some linux OS's you can get by with lower amounts of RAM but on a mainstream level Windows is the standard so i am mostly referring to Windows based computers. but even with Linux... given modern browser can burn up RAM rather quickly you still need sufficient RAM otherwise overall computer performance will suffer.

I also got a newer one but the old ones run better/ less fancy stuff to gum up the works.

you telling me your 12 year old etc computers run faster/all around better then the newer ones?

if so, i call BS.

comments like these and you call me clueless?

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