MovieChat Forums > Computers and Software > Size & color of my address bar has chang...

Size & color of my address bar has changed on some sites.

The size and color of the address bar has changed since I did a Windows update earlier today and I do not like it.
It has changed on a site that I use almost daily and I rely on the address bar to show some info I need. It has changed because of some service called DigiCert. My address bar is now green instead of white and a portion of the bar has been cut off to make room for a bar which is also green and has a lock icon in it. I understand what the bar is for and I am familiar with it because my e-mail has the same thing. I just do not like it on this particular site because it shortens the address bar which as I said contains info I need.

How do I make the DigiCert bar go away and get back the longer address bar? I don't need the DigiCert bar. I know the site is safe. I have been using it for over 10 years.

I do not know what was in the Windows update today that changed all of this but I do not like it. Nor do I know why this particular site was targeted. Other sites were not changed (like IMDB).

The site is the ONLY site that I visit in which I need the longer size address bar for info and now it has changed.

Can anyone help?

"Dr. Pretorius. He's a very queer looking old gentleman."


The size and color of the address bar has changed since I did a Windows update earlier today and I do not like it.

It has changed on a site that I use almost daily and I rely on the address bar to show some info I need. It has changed because of some service called DigiCert. - gunshotwound

The only new Windows update that I saw today was related to DST being cancelled in Eqypt. I'm fairly certain that's not responsible for your problem.

Apparently you have a program called "DigiCert Discovery" installed on your computer. You should be able to uninstall it via the Control Panel.


The program DigiCert Discovery is not listed in the Control Panel list of installed programs.
I have done a system search for DigiCert Discovery and nothing comes up. This does not surprise me because I have never installed such a program.

I have had this computer for over 2 years and my e-mail has had the green bar and the DigiCert bar with the lock icon since day one. I did a search long ago to find out what it was, thought it was just part of Windows and I had no problem with it.
I have been to thousands of sites and had never encountered the green address bar or DigiCert lock icon bar on any of them. Only my e-mail. That is until today.
I accessed the site that now has the green bars yesterday and they were not there. I accessed it today and there they were. Nothing has changed since yesterday except for the 3 (1 important/2 optional)updates I installed.

I did a Google search to see how to get rid of them. Went to the DigiCert site where it gives instructions on how to delete a certificate and this would remove the DigiCert bar, return the address bar to white and give back the original length.

It told me to download "DigiCertUtl" which I did. The site said the "DigiCertUtl" would list the certificates that had been issued and to follow their instructions to delete the ones I wanted to. The only problem is, is there were NO certificates listed. Not even the one for my e-mail which as I said has been green for over two years. So what to do now?

The only thing I could think of was to delete the updates I had installed and see if that took care of the problem. Well guess what! My e-mail which has always been green is now white with no DigiCert lock icon bar but it did not change anything on the site that I needed to change. This make no sense at all.

Now all I can think of is to do a system restore and see what this will do.

I do not understand what is going on.
I have never installed the DigiCert program even though my e-mail has been green since the very beginning.
Why have I been using the computer for over 2 years with no other site turning green and then all of a sudden the site in question turns green.

"Dr. Pretorius. He's a very queer looking old gentleman."


Apparently your computer came with some kind of DigiCert software installed on it. It is not part of Windows. If you don't see an entry for it in Control Panel, it is probably some kind of browser add-on.


alpha128 thank you for your time and effort.
I called the DigiCert help line, which I probably should have done to begin with, and they have explained to me what is going on.

The site that turned green today issued a DigiCert certificate which took effect today. So it is coming from the site and no program is necessary from my end. The size/color of the bar cannot be changed until the certificate expires or a site removes it.

So you are correct that it is not a part of Windows nor is it a browser add-on or an installed program. It comes straight from the site.

I am not happy with the change in the length of the bar but there are way around it which I will deal with. At least I know what is going on now.

"Dr. Pretorius. He's a very queer looking old gentleman."


I'm glad you got the issue resolved.


My address bar has changed its font size so that it's much smaller and I cannot scroll down to access the missing links I have stored. I left my computer unattended for about ten minutes. Once I opened a new page I noticed the change. I don't like it even though it seems harmless. How do I fix it?

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


I have no idea how to help you.
You need to start a new thread asking for help.
I doubt it seriously if anyone who can help you will read this thread and see your problem.

good luck.

"Dr. Pretorius. He's a very queer looking old gentleman."


If you're using Firefox, there are Add-ons for that, or you can edit the css in your Firefox profile. (In Win 7: C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxx.default\chrome\userChrome.css) (red items will be different on your computer than on mine) (Open userChrome.css in text editor to edit)Instructions here:
