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Disabling McAfee securuty on Windows 10 laptop

Is it safe to remove McAfee from Windows 10? I've tried disabling it as I thought the Windows Defender and Firewall that are on Windows 10 - is this safe? I use streaming sites a lot which can be full of malware - so far I haven't had any problems but I was just wondering if I should reinstall mcafee to be safe

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I don't have anything fancy as i just got Windows 10's default stuff which is Windows Defender. so yeah, you don't have to have McAfee installed and it's safe to remove if you want to. with that said... i am sure Windows Defender is not perfect (but then again nothing is) but if your careful on what you do online it should be alright enough as the best defense is yourself and being careful on what you do on your computer online.

if you are worried about stuff installing on your computer that you don't want without your permission you are probably best off using one of those programs that blocks EVERYTHING from running/installing outside of the stuff you allow like... (basically free) ; this basically assumes your computer is currently in good running order during it's initial setup (as if your already infected it won't do nothing to stop that stuff). if i was visiting a lot of questionable sites i would likely have that running since it just blocks everything from installing that you did not directly allow which makes it better than anti-virus programs in a way simply because if it's not on your allowed to run list it simply will automatically block it from running and it's light on system resources to. basically after installation it requires some initial training so it learns the programs you run and after that's done and it's enabled it will automatically block everything that tries to run without your permission. so while programs like that can be solid, it can be a bit of a inconvenience for some people since it does require a bit of configuration here and there but it's mostly fine once you get past the initial phase of it learning what programs you use.

but personally... just don't stream stuff and avoid sites you don't trust as i always prefer to download instead unless it's something basic like YouTube then i don't mind steaming video.

p.s. also having a decent adblocker like ublock installed and even using a HOSTS file ( ; works system wide which means it don't matter what browser or programs running on your computer as anything in that hosts file your computer won't be allowed to make a connection to whatever is blocked in that host file) can block a good portion of the crap out there.

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