MovieChat Forums > Computers and Software > What's wrong with windows phones?

What's wrong with windows phones?

I have a Lumia 640 and love it. Win 8.1 is easy and intuitive as I am used to Windows.

I had an atrocious Samsung running Android, and Sony tablet running Android. Android works OK but isn't anything special

I just cannot understand all the bitching and lousy talk about Windows phones.

OK, there are a limited number of apps, but I have all I want. The MAPS app especially is a doozey.
Looking at the app stores, 90% of the apps either don't work or have lousy reviews. Having hundreds of substandard apps isn't a positive to me.

What is it about Win 8.1 that makes people prefer Android? I don't see it.

Or is it the phones? Nokia/Lumia makes fine phones,IMO the equal to Samsung.

Opened my window to listen to the news But all I heard was the establishment blues!


Speaking from only personal experience, here, I have a few points to make regarding Windows phones.

Some years ago, I found them to be quite buggy and slow. Later, when the Windows mobile OS became more optimised for handsets, there was a dearth of applications available - as you already touched upon. There still is compared to Android and Apple devices, but that is a fact rather than a criticism. Again, you said you have every app you need on your Lumia 640.

Since Microsoft bought Nokia's mobile division, their handsets have come on in leaps and bounds in terms of the OS. As you said, Windows 8.1 is standard for Lumia handsets nowadays, and adapts to touchscreen devices incredibly well.

I used to work in telesales for a major UK mobile phone network, and I used to sell a lot of Lumia handsets. I found that most people who went for them had used Windows phones in the past, and so knew what to expect. Same for Android, same for iOS.

I would venture that a lot of people who have negative opinions of Windows phones, have had bad experiences with them. You mentioned yourself about having an "atrocious Samsung" which I would bet was simply a low-end model running Gingerbread or similar. In other words, not really up to the task of running the OS properly.

I currently have a Samsung Galaxy running Android 6.0 'Marshmallow', and it has every app I need, several more I sometimes and/or rarely use, and many, many more on the Google Play Store.

Just my two pennies on the matter. I see nothing wrong with Windows phones, or Android. It's down to individual preference and opinion.

Wipe your tapes with lightning.


What's wrong with windows phones?

Just about everything. 

JK. Windows phones are waaay better than those crappy iProducts. An iPhone/iPad user is like a caged animal trying to get out.

There lies his crown in water deep, Till Durin wakes again from sleep.


I love the tile functions but the lack of apps are painful.

And I wish more customization for the tiles were available


Android is open source. I think that just about covers it.

.and then the bong hits him on the head and he falls RIGHT over the realitY


I like mine, but the lack of apps are frustrating and the make shift clone versions barely work.

But nothing beats being able to interface seamlessly with my PC.

And I love the tiles but wish they did more.
