Upload Pictures

Im having a hard time looking for the best upload site for pictures. what is the best? instagram, photobucket, etc?

I just want to upload as many pics as I can and it be stored safely( without the site deleting it in the future) and securely( virus free and private).

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 Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. 


if you don't have a boatload of pictures to upload for storage you could always use Google's 'Google Drive' which should have at least 15GB of storage which your email uses part of that to.

https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive ; that's private since it's apart of your Gmail email storage. if your already signed into your Google Gmail account that link should work.

My Top 100ish Movies = http://goo.gl/EYFYdz My Favorites = http://boxd.it/UkLa
