MovieChat Forums > Plays > Speech/Drama Contest Suggestions?

Speech/Drama Contest Suggestions?

Hi Gang... looking for help/suggestions...

I teach k-12 Special Education presently, as a part of feeding my musical obsession beyond seeing shows and producing/directing in the summer, I volunteered to co-coach our Speech/Drama Team. Background: tiny tiny school (k-12 bldg with only 400 students! with no theatre beyond kids volunteering to practice competition pieces once a week or by appointment and a tiny Senior play)

I need some suggestions on pieces for my students to perform. Most of the categories require 5-10 or 5-8 minutes. I have one student who wants to do a Dramatic interpretation. She likes material that is on the dark side. She loved Sweeney Todd (the movie anyway) and wears a Nightmare Before Christmas jacket. The only piece that popped in my head was a cutting from THE YELLOW WALLPAPER. I also have a few boys that want to do a DUET ACTING PREPARED.

Anyway, Any suggestions you can offer (and their source) would be greatly appreciated. Below are desciptions of the various categories:

Poetry Reading - 5-8 min - must be properly introduced. The reader must choose from any reputable source. If more than one selection is used, the speaker must relate them thematically. A Manuscript must be used.

Dramatic Interpretation 5-10min - Must be properly introduced. Reader will interpret a cutting from a novel, short story, or play of good literary standards.

Humorous Interpretation - 5-10 min - Follows same rules as dramatic interpretation, except selection should be humerous

Duet Acting Prepared - 5-10 min- Table and 2 chairs provided; no props or costumes allowed. A published contest piece or cutting from a longer play, short story, or novel of good literary standing may be used.

Children's Literature - 5-8 min -Student will narrate the story using a book or script. Student may stand, sit on a stool/chair. No costumes/props to be used. An introduction is needed to introduce the story and audience. Story must be a published work.

Prose Reading - 5-8 min Must be properly introduced. Good reputable source with academic merit. Dialogue must be kept to a minimum. No orginal works.

Other categories include - Storytelling, Radio, and inprov.

