MovieChat Forums > Plays > Fans of stage acting? What play(s) have ...

Fans of stage acting? What play(s) have you always wanted to see?

Or which ones that you loved, did you see?

I've always wanted and have sadly YET to get to see "A Christmas Carol" on stage.
I'd also love to see "The Glass Menagerie" and "The Trip to Bountiful".
I once saw a collection of Edgar Allen Poe stories performed. It was great , and SCARRRY!


"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Great choices.

I've seen "A Christmas Carol" but it was a bit moderne. I think a more traditional retelling would suit me more. I wish I'd seen Patrick Stewart's.

I have not seen "The Glass Menagerie" and, like you, I've always wanted to experience that Williams play in particular.

Luigi Pirandello is a favorite of mine but his stuff isn't put on anymore really.

"Breathing Corpses," "Out in the Open" and "The Reel of the Hanged Man" I'd like to see live but mostly because James McAvoy originated the roles. I've had friends who saw these performances and said he had an aura about him from the start. I enjoyed reading the plays nonetheless.

Didn't see "The Pillowman" when I had the chance. Bummer.

There are loads of brilliant plays out there to see aren't there? Having young children makes it challenging to get to them. Must devise a better plan of engagement. Theater feeds the soul.

Thanks for the thread.



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