Movie Cars

This board used to be busier. I am hoping to open up some sort of banter or discussion for those of us that are car enthusiasts on this site.

If you could obtain any particular car from motion pictures or television, what would you grab for your collection?


One car I would choose is Don Johnson aka Sonny Crockett's Ferrari from season 1 of Miami Vice. That is one gorgeous 365 GTB Pinafarina.


You know that the 365 GTB in Miami Vice wasn't a real Ferrari but a replica, don't you?


I am aware that the car was a replica and not a real Ferrari. Even when the show was made that car was too expensive to be used, hence the replica/kit car being used.

Regardless, if I could have a real 365 that is one that I would like to have. In the show it was representative of the real thing.


The coupe from American Graffiti would be special, if it didn't cost too much to fix it up. Must need a lot of fixing up by now:

"Did you make coffee? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Quite a few classic cars from that movie. I always liked the B movie "Hoolywood Knights". I would pick quite a few of those cars.



American Graffiti has a bunch. Steve Bolander's white '58 Impala, Bob Falfa's black '55 Chevy (same, exact car used in Two Lane Blacktop I hear) and the Pharaoh's '51 Mercury are my favorites.

Hollywood Knights probably has the most IMO. My favorites are Wheatley's red '65 GTO, Newbomb Turk's brother's '65 El Camino and HIS friend's '53 Ford pickup, and alas, the '61 Ford Galaxie Starliner that Jimmy Shine's girlfriend picks him up in at the end of the movie. Oh, there's also a gorgeous, silver '66 Ford Cobra in there.


Can't beat Danza's blown Chevy either. Speaking of blown you can actually see him blow the engine when he is racing the Cobra on the strip.


The TVR Tuscan from "Swordfish". The car is as awesome as the film was bad.

-I don't watch Fox 'News' for the same reason I don't eat out of the toilet
