Looking for short film - experimental POV continuous shot sci-fi flick
As someone well-versed in the world of film - I'm hoping you might be able to help me locate a short film I saw a ways back and want to be able to showcase in my Introduction to Film class I'm teaching in the fall. I've tried to find it for a long time now, and have come up with nothing, so I'm trying to enlist the help of whoever I can at this point.
Here's as much as I can remember about it:
It's a very short film, under 10 minutes (and probably much shorter than that, even). It's shot to look like a continuous shot, and in first person POV. It's very hard to describe its genre, but if I could I would say it's a thriller-gore-horror-sci-fi piece.
It's definitely HD quality, and I remember it being very vividly bright and with lots of blood and gore. I'm not sure if it was independent, a student film, or if it were foreign or not - It's been at least a year since I've seen it.
Here's a basic plot synopsis:
There's a person and they're in an apartment complex or building of that nature. The person leaves their apartment and goes to another and knocks, and there's a party inside. When they open the door, the person starts freaking out and then something (that we share the POV with) transfers from the first person to a new person. It goes dark and then we're seeing through the second person's eyes. This happens at least a couple more times, and more and more people die and there's bloodshed like no other.
So basically it's like an alien or some sort of creature that can take over a person and 'possess' them, and starts killing and going crazy the more it jumps. I remember looking into a bathroom mirror, maybe? In any case I believe it either starts or ends in the bathroom... or both.
So yeah... I know it's not much, but if it helps you know what I'm talking about and to find it then it would be absolutely amazing! Thanks in advance for trying to help!