In Our Silhouette
Greetings, my name is Flavia Di Bartolo, I am a writer and director for independent projects. I have previously filmed a promo for one of my upcoming short films. The In Our Silhouette team is trying to reach our goal of raising at least $5,000 but ideally $10,000. We need this to pay the cast and crew, get equipment and finance the locations. Please check out the perks you may get on our indiegogo page. For any contribution $300 and over, you will get an executive producer credit on the film. However, any contribution is welcomed, through your prayers, wishes, or simply sharing this to those who may be interested.
For those of you that want to know more about the story it consists of happiness, love, trust, betrayal, and tragedy.
Jean and Flavia brought “In Our Silhouette” to life back in April. We were approached to write the script, but the plans and project fell through. Therefore, we decided to take it in as their own, being that they DID write the script. The idea was originally about four main characters who so happen to be at the park at the wrong place, at the wrong time. However, we decided to make it more complex than that by playing with the characters usual silhouette and changing them completely into an opposite approach. Therefore, it consists of four complete strangers with different lives, that come together to share one thing they all have in common. With this twist of reality each of them holds the key to the other person's survival.
The concept is playing with peoples’ usual perception of “normal”. We would like the audience to think logically and morally with the characters and certain scenes. We want to make a long and permanent impression to you as the onlookers to make you think otherwise on everything you do, and that one simple decision can make a huge ripple effect in the present and the upcoming future.
Your contribution means a lot to us and we welcome any questions or comments you may have. Please check our teaser video here or visit our website at
Flavia DiBartolo