If you could have switched release dates of movies in 2016.....
What would you have changed?
For me:
Fantastic Beasts + Tarzan - switch each either out, I think would have been more beneficial for Tarzan since even with less then mediocre reviews it still did well. I think Tarzan could have gained another 80M WW gross.
Star Trek: Beyond, out of summer! I honestly do not think Trek needs to be in summer movie season as fans are already picky enough it makes it harder when you give them multiple options week after week to NOT see the latest Trek. Obviously Spring and Winter are generally packed but I think October would be great, start the month off with sci-fi at least every 2 to 3 years which lately has been working great, and with a bigger franchise it could lead people back into the theater to see Trek when all the already cool movies have been out in summer or are awaiting release in Winter.