MovieChat Forums > Biography > Which Biopics released before 1970 may y...

Which Biopics released before 1970 may you recall?

Now, around 1970, after Hollywood had undergone many changes, such as the repeal of the Production Code (in 1967) and the growing popularity of television over films throughout the 1960's, it would seem as though most biographical pictures would be made for television.

Well, most of those which I remember were produced during the era of the 1930's through the 1960's. These included subjects famous for History, Entertainment and newsmaking notoriety.

So, if we may somehow form a list to determine some of the subjects of Biopics, then this may be an interesting format to do so within.

Abraham Lincoln
Alvin York
Anne Frank
Benny Goodman
Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker
Cole Porter
Dolly Madison
Eddie Foy
Eddy Duchin
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Fanny Brice
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franz Liszt
George M. Cohan
Glenn Miller
Hellen Keller
Helen Morgan
Isadora Duncan
Jesse James
Joan of Arc
Julius Caesar
King Henry VIII
Knute Rockne
Lou Gehrig
Louis Pasteur
Marie Antoinette
Mark Twain
Mary, Queen of Scots
Napoleon Bonaparte
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Victoria
Rocky Graziano
T.E. Lawrence of Arabia
Thomas Beckett
Thomas More
Vernon and Irene Castle
Vincent van Gogh
Woodrow Wilson

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." --Mark Twain


Babe Ruth
Jimmy Piercal
Father Flannigan
Clarence Darrow
Jesus Christ
Lon Chaney, Sr.
Gene Krupa
The Sullivan Brothers


Al Jolson.
Jeanne Eagels.
