MovieChat Forums > Biography > Paul Newman Lawrence J Quirk biographies

Paul Newman Lawrence J Quirk biographies

Has anyone got any advice on this one ? Lawrence J Quirk is bringing out an updated version of his Paul Newman biography in September. I am interested more in the earlier part of the actor's life., Quirk's first biography (hardback) & the new paperback will be roughly the same length, so, obviously, you'd expect the first one to be better on his early life, but I don't know in how far this is balanced by closer printing etc in the paperback.

It may be that the new paperback will have as yet unpublished information & I can only obtain the earlier biography as an expensive collector's item &, as I'd have to buy it by post, I can't look through it to get an impression.

In principle, I don't mind buying both or buying the more expensive earlier biography, but I don't want to pay for duplication
