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Fix for chronic diarrhea in cats (kittens)

Hi everyone

Since "kitten season" in some places is waning down a bit, and the kittens are getting old enough to go up for adoption (2-3lbs), and I just had a pretty bad experience with diarrhea in kittens (2-3 lb kittens), I just thought I would post this (in case some of you got kittens and now they have bad diarrhea). NOTE: I have 16 rescue kittens this week (down from 36, they move slow but they do move on to their forever homes, etc) and suddenly a few of them got this very very bad diarrhea. And, my vet has given me a great solution and I wanted to share to maybe help others who are also going through this problem right now. (may be a virus going around in kittens this year as well, who knows)

RE DIARRHEA EMERGENCY: Several of my rescue kittens just suddenly got lethargic and got splattering (explosive) diarrhea and lost body mass in 24-48 hours as I tried everything. Panacur (for giardia and worms), marquis paste (coccidia), albon (coccidia), drontal (tapes and roundworms, whipworms, etc), and nothing. But, it happened after I gave them a different wet food that I normally dont' give. Some people say that changing food can cause tummy upset, but I don't think that is what this was. I have rescued over 500-maybe 650 (lost count) and NEVER got this (creamy yellow white stuff coming out the butt) and the kittens (2-3 of them) lost a large part of their body mass in 2 days. A crisis (needed IV fluids etc).

I am convinced it was "food poisoning." Exam showed nothing (no worms, parasites, dr. said probably not toxoplasmosis, or trich, or salmonella, but maybe hyper bacteria) which sounds about right if my theory is right. These kittens got sick after eating this particular food (and I never feed cats anything with beef either b/c that's not a scurrying animal, but on this occasion I was in a hurry and just picked up what was available on the shelf) (Bad idea). I think the beef food can harbor bacteria moreso than turkey, chicken, etc. (of course I don't know) but 650 kittens and nothing like this before? Weird... (and as I recall they were not too keen on eating the food and just picked at it. cats/kittens know....)

In any event, I noticed ALOT OF PEOPLE STRUGGLE WITH CHRONIC DIARRHEA IN KITTENS AND CATS so I wanted to offer a potential suggestion in the event anyone has a problem with this in the future.

(1) "Pro Bio" (that's the name of the product; it comes in a powder) the kittens were attacking me to get to it. I have used other probiotics but this is the first one the kittens "loved" to eat. I mixed it in 2 ml of water (1/2 tsp per cat) mixed their doses in ketchup containers (those tiny ones you get at fast food restaurants) b/c I have 16 kittens to dose each time. Administered with "no needle" feeding/oral medicating syringe via mouth. ( use 3ml oral syringes to suck up the mixture from the mini ketchup holders and I administer by mouth; oh yes, they fight...but I win every time. ...b/c I am foster mommy and it is what it is...). But, with one cat, much easier. They were trying to get their tongues in the containers to suck out the residue. But PRO BIO (puts the good bacteria back in their intestines) and restores digestive BALANCE.

(2) In conjunction with a concoction that my Vet created. This is in sum "NEOMYCIN SULFATE" mixed with water. An antibiotic for the intestines. My vet calls it "pucker up" medicine, so you have to stop when everything goes back to normal or they will get constipated. But, as he says, "I've never seen a cat die of constipation, but I have seen plenty die of dehydration."

Which is why if you have a kitten with ongoing diarrhea and the fur isn't bouncing back on their scruff when you pull it up, you need to quickly hydrate. They can die very very fast. And when they are sick, they might not want to get to the water bowl. (also make sure plenty of water all the time. I've seen people that have dry water bowls. Would you like to not have access to water if you were thirsty? It's easy to forget when you are busy, and they cannot speak up and ask for water...). I also disagree with people that say cats get all the liquid they need from wet food. If that is the case, why are they always at the water bowl drinking (kittens, cats, etc)? They get thirsty too.

THE REASON I AM POSTING THIS...When I was looking for a "solution" on my own, I just saw so many people on the internet with months of diarrhea in cats. And so many people said they had been to the vet so much still with no relief. And dehydration is a danger in that case. And, since those two things (Pro bio and neomycin sulfate together) TURNED this nightmare around PRETTY RAPIDLY, I thought I should share it for others. No more yellowish creamy white mucuous and weight wasting rapidly (dehydration), and the kittens at issue are plumping up (only in 2 days).

NOTE: The vet also does not think it is Panleuk or FIP (dry or wet). They could not have Panleuk b/c I've had them since they were babies (months) and FIP (he just said that they did not look symptomatic of that). Although that could be what it is (fingers crossed it isn't).


**note, I am not a vet or in the industry, so I am not trying to give vet advice. And, it's always a good idea to bring your animal to the vet if something like this happens. My intention was to give info that you can ask your vet about when you go there. Sometimes vets don't know about cures that rescuers know about (off label uses especially or meds they use in other countries. For instance, vets use albon for coccidia, but the pound and shelters around where I live use "marquis paste" which is for horses, etc., but they dilute it, etc. Or, panacur which is another horse (large animal med) which shelters/pounds use after diluting, that vets don't use. I'm not advocating anything either way, just telling you my experiences.


Dear LenaAFoster,

seldom have read so much nonsense in one single post like in yours.

Of course cats need access to water!
Beside platitudes there are so many mistakes that i am simply not in the mood to list all.
Yes, cats are tough and able to overcome the strangest treatments.

Did your veterinary really say "I've never seen a cat die of constipation....." ?!
Did he ever practice with cats or is he just back from a crocodile farm?

Diarrhea can have different reasons.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Neomycin) are only helping if the diarrhea is caused by bacterias.
And IF you are treating with antibiotics then do it at least correctly!!!



You are a raging idiot... (my opinion only....just like my first post dingbat). If you had any connection or experience in rescue you would not be going apesh*t over my offering something to those that want to hear (not dingbats that want me to bleed on the floor) a useful tip that they can bring to their vet to ask about if their kitten has diarrhea. And the vet is the most beloved vet in my city, a legend among rescue groups who has been a savior to animals for 50 years. So loved and trusted that his senior vet tech has been with him for 40 years as well as his receptionist and all the rescue folks beg him to stay in practice. He gives free services for rescue animals, is simple about medicine, tells you the truth, will not put an animal down unless it is the only option and tells you when the crazy expensive vets are trying to scam you and take $ for useless or unecessary procedures.

But I have seen your type plenty my dear. You're probably one of those people that would declaw a cat, then fall prey to overpriced vet charges, get too busy to take care of your animal and then surrender it at the shelter. Or alternatively you are a vet who fights against TNR and rescue and helping feral cats BC grants and low cost spay neuter clinics make your overinflated prices seem like a ripoff. Or worse yet you are a PETA monster who supports PETA's 90% and over kill rate in their shelters while protesting to the public it cares about animals.

But my other guess is that your husband or boyfriend recently dumped you because you bizarrely lash out in acidic anger for no reason and he thus ran for the hills.

In any event, to take a neutral post intended to give people options to ask their vet about (from someone who has rescued over 600 cats, works on legislation to help animal welfare and also represents rescue nonprofits with their legal matters) and attack it with arms flailing wildly, hair ratted, screaming down a busy street screaming like a crazed madman who had one too many donuts and 20 cups of caffeinated coffee, "the sky is falling...the sky is falling...blah blah blah" suggests someone who feels like the world is not paying enough attention to her in her everyday life or has a boyfriend/husband who she suspects is cheating, has or soon will leave her. Someone desperately trying to find a way to relieve the pressures of her discombobulated and angry mind..."

Just my my first post.


To others...again, my post was information to raise with your vet as you see fit or to ignore as you see fit. Because as I made clear I do rescue and am not a vet. Yes, kittens do get diarrhea that lasts forever, vets get stumped, and kittens do get dehydrated. Yes people forget to keep water down (last I checked from my perspective as a lawyer who has worked on animal neglect and abuse cases. And yes my vet who has been a beloved cat whisperer for over 50 years and an icon in my community (large city) did say that. He did not say intestinal blockage. But everyone but Tara who can read and stay calm knew that already because those 2 words use different letters of the alphabet and hence are 2 different issues entirely. Good luck everyone. Hope your kitties stay healthy and happy.



Yep...your use of the word "mood" in your post is key. And no my vet is not a "veterinary." For 50+ years he has been a veterinarian though. They might spell that differently in your unique world though. LOL.

Yes, antibiotics work on bacteria. Hence the name. And yes that is what pro bio is read? Truly? No joke? Curious...its just that. Oh never mind...except well the pro bio restores the bacteria to the intestines. That's what it is for. And as the post stated the vet said it is probably hyper bacteria. See veterinarians (or veterinary if you will) look at poop under microscopes.

They also tend to write dosing instructions on bottles to help people know how to dose. They're helpful that way. Especially for law people ( or lawyers where I come from) who really really like to read and follow instructions....

Not in the "mood" eh...well I suggest staying away from people until your hormone levels even out or your meds kick in. Just my opinion. And you could also put me on ignore and move on....



You are giving wrong advices what even could kill sick cats or kitten, LenaAFoster!
Your posts are incompetent filth.

To change your posts 3 times within 6 minutes didn't improve anything.

Writing long hate-novels, calling me names and trying to insult me with insinuations shows a lack of professionalism.
Also in manners.
It displays who is really raging here: YOU!

Telling heart breaking stories and coming up with fairy tales makes me laugh.
If you are a lawyer or working with animal rescue then i am a virgin.

Yes, i am active in animal shelter and you should know that declawing cats is forbidden in germany.


I'm not giving "advices" crazed and angry poster. But that you live in a country other than America explains your spelling errors and misunderstanding. It doesn't explain the crazed reaction though. That has to be mental especially since you have offered details about your mood and sexual promiscuity on a pet and animal board. And yes I am aware of the countries where declawing is illegal. What I didn't know (or could NEVER) have known was your residency. Whew!!!

I am giving advice that could kill cats? Hardly. Throwing out statements like "yes water" and "antibiotics are for bacteria" etc and then going nuts about something you clearly have no experience in. Holy Moly....clearly makes no sense as you keep ignoring the part about raising the issues and discussing them with a vet. Whew!!! Tough post thread folks. Its like when someone has escaped from a mental ward in their pajamas and goes booking down the main street of a town.

I try to be nice but I think its fair to respond strongly when people with self admitted odd mood swings go on an unsubstantiated attack. Don't worry folks. I am being truthful about my rescue work. And like I said rescue people (real ones) don't normally react this way. Especially since they'd be shaking their heads in agreement. There's something about repeatedly caring for kittens and going through the same issues for years and working with veterans who have also been doing rescue for years and the free and kind exchange of ideas that is just wonderful.

And of course like all blogs where information is shared, people need to do research for themselves. And gosh darn apologies for my edits "monitored" by Frau Tara...I'm on my android. The keys are small and so I have spelling and punctuation to correct...

I honestly doubt seriously Tara's claims about working in rescue are true. Her tone, wild reaction and behavior just is not consistent with that claim. But it's all good. Honestly you'd be surprised at the odd human behavior rescuers come across. I even went to a county board meeting once and some lady went crazy in opposition to TNR because she thought that cats enjoy sex and spay/neutering them was mean and kept them from enjoying running around reproducing. I kid you not.


I will probably ignore her now.


Dear LenaAFoster,

the only one acting totally weird is YOU!
And now you come up again with unreasonable assumptions, fairy tales and unrestrained aggression.

Though you couldn't know my residence you suspected me to declaw cats.
Oh, yeah!
Your other assumptions are leastwise funny!

Well, it looks as if you will need in a few a new account again.
You have enough experiences in creating accounts.
Like you said in your post two days ago Re: Rainbow Bridge 0303
"..had to close my account and restart (new computer, new programs, etc,..."
Had a good laugh when i saw your flimsy explanation.

And some of your formulations show me that you are NOT native speaking english either.


Oh yes...and (everyone) pumpkin is good...if you can get them to eat it. Laxatone...something else to ask about if you have constipation in cats. I/D (hills) I like it to help calm the tummy. And some people like to use plain yogurt to add healthy bacteria. Some kitties like it and some don't. Pro biotic is a great product.

Also a lot of rescue groups like viralys to boost the immune system. This form of lysine (comes in a gel or powder). Its a brand name but there are others. That helps when they come from the pound with bad upper respiratory infections as you treat them. Boosts the immune system. Some groups sprinkle it in dry food when the animals are at the pet store sitting in cages waiting for their forever home. Helps to keep URI from erupting (high stress and people spreading germs from cat to cat as they search for their new companion.)

I like sharing information and learning as well. That's what makes the rescue community awesome.



Dear LenaAFoster - (love),

It's nice that you copied and pasted some informations for "everyone"!
It would be better if you even understand what you are copying.

And yes, people working for animal rescue are often great.
Please use for your showmanship other topics.
That is less harmful.
