I know someone with a similar dog who does things the owner thinks are "cute" but are actually annoying. The guy has actually said right out that he "doesn't believe in training a dog" to behave in a disciplined manner!!!
It's beyond belief.
This idiot actually believes it's too authoritarian, controlling and somehow "against Nature" to have trained your dog to stop, sit, NO, down, etc etc.
As a consequence, the dog runs all over the park, jumping up on people, doing that non-hurting bite you describe, barking madly. He's a gentle dog and in none of these things is he actually harming anyone, but it's still unacceptable behavior and the dog ought to be able to obey some basic commands. But the owner refuses to teach him any!
Hell, even my cat knows these basic words and believe it or not actually co-operates in response to them. I've got more control over my cat's co-operation with me than this guy does over his dog.
The bizarre thing is, even he the owner complains about the dog's behavior. But then turns around and says "Oh I don't believe in crushing a dog's spirit with controlling commands!"
I give up. Some people drive me crazy.