MovieChat Forums > Pets and Animals > Rainbow Ark animal sanctuary owner colla...

Rainbow Ark animal sanctuary owner collapses during eviction tuary-owner-collapses-mud-bailiffs-arrive-evict-following-legal-battle .html

I don't know, may be this could help. It just made me too sad and I thought just sending money wouldn't be enough.

Sanctuary's website -

Donations can be made here too -

And here is the story how it happened -

There has been a lot of money raised today already, to move the animals, but unless the sanctuary can be saved many of them will be re-housed in conditions far worse than they are used to. Cages, lack of proper care... Not to speak of that poor woman.

If you can share this, I am sure it would help.

Or report me, if you want, I don't care.



Thanks for posting about this, I hadn't heard about it. I've just donated.

I really wish the money were for actually buying the farm back, not just relocating the evicted animals, but maybe if more than enough money comes in they might just be able to save the farm and sanctuary after all.

I feel horribly for this woman. Up until this happened, she was doing what I dream of doing. And you can bet that she hasn't just lost her dream occupation, she's lost personal friends too. There's no way I could house and care for those animals without also coming to love them like my own pets or like family. The sheer wrench of losing each individual little friend is overwhelming; no wonder she collapsed. I'd almost die. I really hope she can reverse everything.


I hope so too. It might be that she needs time to recover after this though. This thing with that mortgage company has been hanging over her for years... And then for it to end like this. Nervous breakdown is a b!tch. You never know how you will be afterwards.

I've read they won't even let them see the animals...
I hope it will only turn out to have been something like a bad dream for her. And when she wakes up everything will be even better than before. And I hope there is so much money collected that there is lots left over for her to make some house-improvements for herself too. I know how these people live. They literally don't buy themselves anything for years, except the barest essentials.
I will be sending money to that sanctuary every month from now on.



An update - .Rainbow_Ark_animal_%20sanctuary_campaign_overwhelmed/

I hope some good lawyer volunteers to help them.



LATEST UPDATE: Paula and her family are now back from the peaceful protest and were greeted by 6 police cars and around 20 policemen. There are believed to be 3 people on site who Paula has confirmed haven't done a thing and the animals are filthy. Pictures have been taken and will be uploaded. They have now been back in touch with the RSPCA who will be attending the site tomorrow to investigate. Meanwhile Northern Echo have been there and will be reporting shortly. Thanks to all those who continue to support the family and the Sanctuary. It hasn't gone unnoticed. We can't do this without you!!! THANK YOU ALL

