MovieChat Forums > Pets and Animals > What do you use for fleas for your pets?

What do you use for fleas for your pets?

Just curious what people are using for fleas. I use Advantage Multi which takes care of fleas, worms, ticks, ear mites and it does really well. There has been alot of talk lately about the over the counter topical stuff that places like Walmart sells mainly the Hartz brands which are burning animals skins and even killing them. I would never trust Hartz and get my stuff from my Vet. Thoughts?

·´¸.·*´¨) I Don't Call 911
(¸·´I Live With A German Shepherd


Is the Heart guard plus those beefy pills that they eat? My dad uses those for his beagle but the last time he went to get her some the Vet said too many dogs down South were still getting heart worms and they were no longer going to carry it. They are talking about some kind of shot now that lasts like 6 months. The shot kinda scares me.

·´¸.·*´¨) I Don't Call 911
(¸·´I Live With A German Shepherd


I love it. It is not as fast acting as Frontline but any fleas that jump on my dog and bite him become sterile and later die. In addition, my vet said that wherever my pet lays down becomes flea resistant as well. It also helps with mosquitos so I don't have to give my dog Heartguard.

Have a nice day!
I kick arse for the Lord!


Very good. Thanks guys!!

·´¸.·*´¨) I Don't Call 911
(¸·´I Live With A German Shepherd


I think it's Frontline, I always get the vet to do it


For my cats I use Revolution, just a few drops at the base of the neck and they are protected from fleas, heartworm disease (cats do get heartworm),hookworms, roundworms and ear mites for a month. It also comes in 2 sizes, one for cats 5.1 - 15 lbs and one for cats over 15 lbs, I have to buy both sizes.

"I will never let you part,for you are always in my heart" MJ
"turn to page 394" Snape


Frontline for fleas/ticks. It works as well as any, although ticks are commonly found on the Brittany after a day of field running nonetheless. When we feel one, we coat it in rubbing alcohol to kill it, then remove it with tweezers. He's been exposed to Lyme, but doesn't actually have it. Same with our Bluetick; I'd bet that a huge percentage of dogs who've been out hunting have been exposed to Lyme disease via tick bites. Can't really get around it. And our Beagle pup came to us with fleas and worms...first time that ever happened to us. We were quite displeased with the condition of his breeder's home, but someone had connected us with the woman, and we drove 19 hours there and back to get him without knowing how crummy it was. Amazingly, she was a 'Breeder of Merit,' so we figured we had nothing to worry about. Fortunately, the fleas and worms were easy to treat and quickly disappeared.

Triheart for heartworm. (Used to give Interceptor, but the brand was discontinued, so the vet guided us to Triheart.)

Definitely order from Drs. Foster & Smith--they're the least expensive pet pharmacy, and all medications ship for free. I've found that their price is consistently lower than 1-800-PET-MEDS'.

"If you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me!"


My cat has been a housecat since birth and has never had fleas, knock on wood, but Frontline had no ill effects when he had a mandatory treatment for flying to another country.

However, while we were living in a house with outdoor cats, they brought home fleas, were issued with Advantage if I recall correctly, he had to have it too just to make sure the whole house's animals were covered -- and it gave him a bald spot!

Frontline didn't, so I would recommend that more than Advantage.
