MovieChat Forums > Pets and Animals > Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge

I've been thinking lately about the Rainbow Bridge. I have cats and they are my family. I'd like to think that the Rainbow Bridge is real. And the poem says that when an animal is close to a human they go to the Rainbow Bridge. This has bothered me a bit- how about the millions of animals who are euthanized simply cause they are homeless? Seems to me that they deserve the Rainbow Bridge just as much as beloved pets. I know it may sound silly to some but it makes me sad.


The Rainbow Bridge is the connection between Earth and Paradise.

In my (german) version of the Rainbow Bridge every being goes to Paradise, not only beloved animals.
The souls who reach the sunny land with lovely meadows and hills become young and healthy again.
They have always enough food and many, many playmates.
Our departed buddy-buddies stay and play close to the Rainbow Bridge, waiting for our arrival.

Yes, it is a phantasy and for some people it may sound stupid.
Though i do not believe in heaven and hell, this colourful imagination helped me to cry and let go......


I volunteer for a dog rescue and there are plenty of heart breaking stories but the ones that always get me is when a dog passes before he or she gets a chance to be rescued. Even if a dog is really sick, I think he or she deserves to live in a home and be loved, even if it is only for a few hours.

The cold and chaotic environment should not be the last thing a dog, or any animal, experiences before they pass.

And in rescue, we deal a lot with the volunteers and personnel of pounds and shelters. While they have a ton of animals and cannot provide more than the basic needs, I know that they feel for these animals so they do experience a small amount of love before they pass.

Have a nice day!
I kick arse for the Lord!


Reading your lines i got a lump in the throat.
Really, really do like that you are helping the dog rescue!
Ja, dogs deserve a loving home!
Actually every creature deserves that.

Dogs are so sensitive.... and loyal if they are treated the right way (i grew up with dogs).
Cannot stand the eyebeam of old guardian dogs who were abandoned only because they became old.
Their whole life they shelter dutiful the home.
And then some people litter them cause they are slightly deaf or limping?
How can somebody do that?!
Looking at the old guards i am feeling guilty for whole humankind.

At least the sanctuaries here are not euthanizing the animal-asylants.
They can stay as long as there is no serious health problem leading to death.
This strategy raises of course other problems.
Especially in summer time (vacations, yeah) the pounds are totally overcrowded.
The staff is doing their best but cannot replace a good home.

So, who may read this:
You quite dont need a breed baby dog or a breed baby cat....they will grow up anyhow (hopefully).
Go to the sanctuary and make a living being happy!
Perhaps you will even get a baby (my tabby cat was dropped in a trash bag with her baby siblings).
Most of them are NOT disturbed, just totally afraid in that environment of despair.
With a little patience they will do fine with you and they are very grateful.
Please, think about it.


I actually volunteer for a rescue that specializes in senior dogs. Our emphasis is matching senior dogs with senior people. Of course, we do puppies and other dogs as well as a rescue cannot survive on only adoption out senior dogs.

We see a ton of dogs that are abandoned simply because they got old. Other excuses are they are moving (if they really loved their dog, they would find a place that would accept him or her), they are having a baby, they are getting a divorce or they just don't have time for them.

Have a nice day!
I kick arse for the Lord!


There you are My unoriginal user name,

I had to close my account and restart (new computer, new programs, etc, just easier that way) but just a shout out to say, keep up the good work!


If only the entire world knew what an animal rescuer knows. i.e., how wonderful it is to do what (you and I do). It's a hard feeling to describe. Not just giving money but dedicating time.

And, I have told people trapping feral cats is like fishing and later they come back and say "that was so much fun, I'm doing it again this weekend." Something about hiding and lying in wait for the cat to go under the trap, pulling the string and getting the cat in the cage. Very fun. Especially when it has scabies or his very thin with worms, or injured, and you know that you have just caught a sentient being who will feel so much better after they are medicated, fixed and released again with a new bill of health.

Take care.


Rainbow Bridge is so touching. I tear up everytime I read it. It hurts to lose a pet that you love.


Yes. And the best thing you can do for them is save another as quickly as possible. It doesn't mean you didn't love your buddy. You are just giving someone else a chance to live and be loved like your furry pal.


"Lena is high and mighty" IMDB-- posters 10/13
