Please Help, I'm Trying To Help a Ladybug Survive the Winter
I found my ladybug in my produce when preparing a soup the other day anyways, it's too cold outside so I don't want to let her out so I have her in a container. I've given her grass and a water soaked kleenex and raisins but all she does is hang upside down on top of the container and never goes to the food I gave her. Is she hibernating? I've read that they hibernate. If so, should I not give her food? Cuz when I do I disturb her when I open the lid. Should I just let her be or continue feeding her if the latter, are there any suggestions for food? I don't know how or where I could get Aphids, which is there main food. Not sure if they'd be on the grass or not and there's no leaves around since it's winter.
Anyways any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.