MovieChat Forums > War Films > Searching for title of French WW 2 comed...

Searching for title of French WW 2 comedy

Hello everyone,

I am looking for the title of a French World War 2 comedy. I don't know the names of the actors but I do recall a few scenes:

1. The opening scene involved two pilots (1 German, 1 French) in world war 1;

2. There was a funny scene with a nazi cuckoo clock with a Nazi eagle coming out with a cuckoo souns.

Anyone have any ideas ?

Thanks in advance.


surprised that the French can joke about WW2...

I mean, you got your 'allo allo", but most of them are actually British pretending to be French, right?


There was a funny scene with a nazi cuckoo clock with a Nazi eagle coming out with a cuckoo souns.

it actually says "Cuckoo" not Sieg Heil!-- Sieg Heil!-- Sieg Heil!! ??


If I recall correctly, yes it was a cuckoo sound. Any idea ?
