MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > Your weird and unique snacking habits?

Your weird and unique snacking habits?

I'll often just chow down a whole pepper - orange, red, green, jalapeno. Or a half or whole cucumber.

Sometimes eat 3 or 4 sheets of nori seaweed.

Might grab blue cheese or a red cabbage out of the fridge and take a big bite (helps to live alone).

Used to eat a whole bag of puffed wheat in one shot.


Banana warmed in the microwave is a favorite treat.

Tuna fish mixed with mayonnaise, green onions and celery and served on pork rinds.

Popcorn with Siracha sauce.

To do is to be - Socrates
To be is to do - Descartes
Do be do be - Sinatra 


When I was a kid I liked to eat potato chips and raisins together.

Earth without art is just "eh."


green pepper slices dipped in sugar

kale and dried cranberries drenched in poppy seed dressing


I like to cut apples, pears and celery into slices and eat them with peanut butter.


"Gimmee eat" - Major -- de Coverley


Pour a shot of Worcestershire sauce and sip it. IMHO, snacking on raw veggies is neither weird or unique, its just plain good.
Did your parents have any children that lived?


I don't remember or know if its correct or not but my relatives say that when I was 2 year old or something, I used to kill cockroaches and gobble them. Yuck.

Presently, I sometimes have milk powder or condensed milk.

I'll often just chow down a whole pepper - orange, red, green, jalapeno.

I don't understand how people can eat pepper by themselves. I always think of chili/pepper as something you add to other things to enhance their flavour. But I guess everyone has his or her own likes and dislikes.

You are a mere peasant. We live in this 20+ room palace.
~ Molar


I used to know somebody who put peanut butter on dill pickles.

Earth without art is just "eh."


I like to cut apples, pears and celery into slices and eat them with peanut butter.

That's not weird at all, that's awesome! Celery and peanut butter is a go-to breakfast for me.
