MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > Fake Cauliflower "Rice"

Fake Cauliflower "Rice"

What does everyone feel about this particular trend? I know it's being pushed to death by Lisa Lillien, "The Hungry Girl".

What p*sses me off, is the pretense. 1: It ISN'T rice. and 2: It tastes like CR@P.

A SMALL AMOUNT OF RICE ISN'T GOING TO KILL YOU. You are not going to blow up like the GOODYEAR Blimp if you eat it.

Just ask all the gorgeous Latinas who grew up on Rice and Beans. (A Complete Protein)

Thanks for listening. We're all eaters here, and all enjoy cooking and recipes. I'm sure there are also a lot of older people, on limited incomes, who have cut down on meat because of prices.

What do we think of this phony "rice" schtick?

I do hope he won't upset Henry...


I like cauliflower--everyone in my family does--and I don't see why it should have to try to pretend to be something else. Rice is pleasant stuff, too, and doesn't need to be removed from the menu.

I don't like food fakes of any kind. I think we should enjoy each food for what it is, not pretend it's something it's not. Rice is a staple food and there's no reason to demonize it.

Earth without art is just "eh."


NEVER!! I'll never eat the phony "crab" & "lobster" made from surimi either!! 

The secret to a long, happy Marriage? Find out what makes her mad and then don't do it!


I actually like surimi, but crab and lobster it ain't.

Earth without art is just "eh."


I like cauliflower made just about any way.

I get annoyed when herbal drinks are called "tea", or liquids that are obviously not real milk are called "milk" (soy, almond, etc.)

Life can be arbitrary and comes without a warranty.


I think the worst is when they call mashed pea dip "pea guacamole."

Earth without art is just "eh."


I don't mind it. I've never been a big fan of cauliflower but I don't hate it. I prefer brown rice or quinoa. White rice is okay but just for the texture. There really isn't much flavor at all to it so it works as an additive, something on which to put the rest of the meal.
Cauliflower is supposed to be a healthier alternative to regular consumption of starches, carbs, or whatever.

I like that there are many choices. I don't see why anyone would be annoyed with having options. Eat what you like and others will have what they like.

Complete protein combos often depend upon the quality of the grain. Who grains are better in that sense than the bleached ones which are often processed out of much of their benefits. Some have things added to them to make them healthier.

I enjoy the flavor of quinoa on its own and tastes good with seasoning and other foods.


It's fine to serve a dish with a different ingredient. It's what they call it that's at issue. Cauliflower is delicious, but it isn't rice, and it's not respectful to either food to call it rice.

Earth without art is just "eh."


I don't believe the food minds. This happens with a few foods. Some believe real chocolate tastes like that with milk and sugar added. Calling something by another name doesn't change what it is or how it's utilized, perhaps similar. A rose by any other name...
