MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > I tired coconut oil for the first time.

I tired coconut oil for the first time.

I really liked it! I didn't think I would, but I did. :O) Then I cleaned the knife I had used with it, and my hand were so soft. I was surprised. I then went out and bought a coconut lotion spray for my hands, I love that too.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.



i like using it to cook shrimp.

"You have to live life to its full chorizo!"-Mario BatališŸ„



i like using it to cook shrimp.

"You have to live life to its full chorizo!"-Mario BatališŸ„


I use it to make popcorn, among many other things. I also use a 50/50 mix with butter for the popcorn topping. It's a great carrier oil for a lot of things, as long as it's in liquid form.

Check out oil pulling. I do that on and off for healthier gums, and it makes my mouth feel really clean.

I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


I read up on oil pulling....and you swish it around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes?? That's a long time.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


Start with a much shorter time and work your way up if you do choose to stick with it.
I like coconut oil. It's also good for treats because it acts like a shortening.

Canned coconut is also good. I keep a can in the 'fridge, at least let one sit overnight, for when I want to make whipped cream.
Open the can
Pour off the liquid
Put the solids in a bowl
Mix with a hand mixer for about 30 seconds
Add stevia or whatever you want for sugar and flavoring, if anything
Mix again and a little longer just until desired consistency
Don't over mix or it'll be chunkier, like coconut butter
