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My All-Time Favorite Films

Hi everyone! Now that the great IMDb era is coming to an end I would like to share my list of favorite films with you. I haven't been contributing to this list for a long time, but before the party is going to be over I just wanted to say fare-thee-well. So I suppose this is my last chance.

I have been working on this list for well over a year now of my favorite films and have been quite happy with it, but I haven't updated it since before last summer and I didn't think my list fitted my taste as accuratly anymore, along with the fact that since last time I have been seing and rewatching a lot of films which I have since begun to like tremendously. As you will quickly realize when looking over the list, I have a very broad taste. The films on my list is what I consider to be the films that have had the biggest impact on my own view of cinema and the films that IMO stands at the pinnacle of cinematic achievement. As it says on my list, the top 50 is almost an entirely accurate representation of what I like, however beyond that the list becomes quite fluid.

I will be happy to discuss the list itself, the films, why I have rated a certain film so highly, recommendations, any mistakes I might have made and so on. Btw, the list is in preferential order and I hope you enjoy it:

My All-Time Favorite Movies:


Curious why you chose 28 Up as opposed to all the other Up films. Or are you actually recommending the entire series (which is up to 56 now)? I found the first two or three charming, but they slowly began to get depressing for me. As the subjects got older, so many just seemed to become sad. Like they had given up their dreams and resigned themselves to unremarkable lives. It's rough to see their youthful exuberance and their optimistic views of their futures in the early films, then to see where their lives actually took them.

But maybe they aren't sad or resigned. Maybe they're perfectly happy where they are. I wonder, if someone could view a video of me at seven, or fourteen, or even at twenty-one, babbling on about whatever I was babbling on about at those ages, would they think my current life is sad? I'm not where I thought I'd be. I'm not doing what I thought I'd be doing. But I love the life I have. There's not much I'd change. Maybe the Seven Up kids are the same.

Okay, that's enough philosophizing for today!


I just chose 28 up to represent the entire series, perhaps because I prefer it slightly over the others. And I think you are right when questioning yourself, what would I have said and done, and as much as I think we can all relate to some aspects of some of the characters I think it is vital to view the film not only as a doc. About their lives but about human behavior and desires. Did you read the text on my list for that particular film?


Nashville may be my #1, but funniest? Hmm.

I can do without
Star Wars
Dazed & Confused
Boogie Nights
Silence of the Lambs
Wag the Dog
Blue Velvet

Donald Trump is the weak man's vision of a strong man.


Yes, I read it.


It said: "The funniest epic vision of America" which I believe it is, didn't say the funniest period. Also, the title is a quote by critic Pauline Kael, from her famous review of the film.

I can do without
Star Wars
Dazed & Confused
Boogie Nights
Silence of the Lambs
Wag the Dog
Blue Velvet
I actually doubt Star Wars, not sure I am going to keep it next time I revisit the list.
Daced and Confused has a very high nostalgic value for me, however I might lower it's placement.
Wag the dog was just an entertaining film I watched and added to the list, though I like it quite a bit it might not make it till next time. The rest are there for a reason and I stand by my choices, especially Blue Velvet.

My All-Time Favorite Movies:


I have no explanation why my all time favorite film is my all time favorite film: Pride of the Yankees is my favorite film of all time.⚾

I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
turn to page 394: Snape (nasty woman)


My favorite film is Avalon (1990)

followed closely by Barry Lyndon (1975)

"Stick with me, baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk."


I don't think I could come up with a list as extensive as scovp's.

My favorites tend not to be critically acclaimed films or award winning masterpieces or life changing epics. They're just movies I still enjoy after repeated viewings.

A short list:

An American Werewolf in London

A Room with a View

Witness for the Prosecution

Some Like it Hot

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

The Last Picture Show



Young Frankenstein


Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

Office Space

The Hangover (I know you hate it. Shut up!)
