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Trump Wants To Imprison People At Guantanamo Bay

"President Donald Trump’s plan to use Guantanamo Bay to detain migrants thrusts the Pentagon into a challenging, costly new effort just as officials vow to refocus the military on its core mission."

There are 2 problems and a solution.

Problem 1: anything requiring boats is expensive.

Problem 2: Fidel did the Mariel boatlift, I don't know who the new guy is in Havana, he'd probably love to do a sequel.

The solution is Joe Arpaio's tent prison in the Arizona desert.


Did you bother to read past the clickbait title or first sentence of propaganda?

Gitmo will imprison: "Violent Criminal Illegals"


AKA people Selena Gomez cares about.

Her show about murders in the building seems to take on a different vibe now doesn't it?


Locking people up always costs more than anything else, no matter how uncomfortable you make it for the ones locked up, because you have to pay the guards on top of feeding the prisoners.

How hard can it be to do the math?
Suppose you could lock up ALL the illegal immigrants and a corresponding amount of Americans would take over their jobs, what do you think would come out of that?
1) ALL prices of anything would skyrocket, because producers would have to pay American wages.
2) Workers would have even less money in their pockets after taxes, because from their higher wages they would have to pay the taxes from which the prisons would be financed.


Chillidogg Wants me to be scared and run into a bunker every time he types "Trump Wants" something


That they don’t want to set this up inside the continental United States suggests to me they want to commit some major human rights abuses to these migrants. Hitler would be proud.


Do the human rights violations THEY committed bother you?


Not when they’re just women and children, dude. The DHS chief is talking about sending kids to Gitmo now. Are they going to be raped by ICE agents?


Evidence please.


I can't help thinking Trump wanted to shut down Guantanamo by virtue of it being a colossal waste of money. Ship all the prisoners back to their 3rd world countries. Maybe a new camp in California would be a cheaper alternative, now that the DEI firefighters have cleared out a lot of potential building space.


"Maybe a new camp in California would be a cheaper alternative, now that the DEI firefighters have cleared out a lot of potential building space."

The places that burned down are expensive real estate.

Lots of cheap land around Manzanar...
