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Hakeem Jeffries calls for an insurrection

He needs to be expelled from congress and indicted immediately. He’s trying to overthrow the government.


I read it and there is no "call for an insurrection." You rethugs are so paranoid. Remember this?:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; OR THE RIGHT OF THEPEOPLE PEACABLY TO ASSEMBLE, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

When Jeffries calls on people to "fight," of course he means that metaphorically, not with fisticuffs or weapons, and you knew that very well, but propaganda is the name of your game, as for all republicons, right? If you couldn't exaggerate or flat-out lie how could you ever keep the rubes from noticing how they are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer.


Yes, he most certainly is calling for an insurrection, just like the other 400+ insurrections by Antifa/BLM.

When Jeffries calls on people to "fight," of course he means that metaphorically, not with fisticuffs or weapons

Like the "mostly peaceful" type where they burned down cities in 2020? ... Molotov Cocktails are weapons.

Antifa/BLM 2.0 will be designated as domestic terrorists.


Seriously these fucking people are not even trying to hide their partisan selective moral outrage. It’s beyond pathetic.


He told them to fight, that literally telling people to be violent, remember? If you had any integrity you’d be calling for Hakeem to be locked up in federal prison for attempting to overthrow the government.


Jeffries spokesperson Christie Stephenson told Fox News Digital, "The notion that Leader Jeffries supports violence is laughable. Republicans are the party that pardons violent felons who assault police officers. Democrats are the party of John Lewis and the right to petition the government peacefully."

No Democratic tears here. Just laughter at how stupid--make that deplorable--republicans actually are. LOL.


LOL of course his spokesperson said that. It’s laughable that you think that is some sort of an exoneration. Own up to the fact that Hakeem Jeffries is trying to incite violence against President Trump, he’s a domestic terrorist as is the vast majority of your cult.

On a side note, speaking as an unbiased and impartial observer: WTF is wrong with you people? Why are you people such violent, unhinged lunatics? You people need serious help and the FBI seriously needs to be keeping a close eye on you so we don’t get another summer of Insurrections like we did in 2020, although to be honest Hakeem Jeffries is probably hoping for another 7-13/9-15.


Those who assaulted LEOs on J6 were "federal assets" and (Antifa) disguised as Trump supporters.

Antifa/BLM = Militant groups for the DNC.
