MovieChat Forums > Politics > Shame Based Society

Shame Based Society

I was watching The Adam Carolla Show, and he brought up something that stuck with me — how we’ve done away with shame. We’re constantly told not to shame people, as if shame itself is some great evil. But the more I think about it, the more I realize this is the key to understanding society’s decline. And it all traces back to the Pride flag.

That flag is everywhere now. Schools push it on kids, demanding they worship it. In many cases, it has outright replaced the American flag. But the problem with the Pride flag isn’t just what it represents — it’s what it teaches. The very name, Pride, says it all. We’re all supposed to be proud of ourselves, no matter what. Proud of our degeneracy, our mental illnesses, our narcissism, our immoral behavior. Instead of confronting our flaws and striving to be better, we’re told to embrace them, to celebrate them.

Woke ideology is built on this rejection of shame. But when you remove shame, you remove accountability — and that’s exactly why our culture is rotting. We need to return to a shame-based society, where degeneracy is condemned, not glorified.


Fat people are disgusting and the idea of beauty is at any size is nonsense.


These are the inconvenient truths the Wokes forbid you to speak.


I'll do my part.

Your hatred of non-white people is shameful.

Hope that helps in the struggle to bring back a shame based society.


You have it completely backward. Under the boot of Wokeness, for years, the only people who have been shamed are White people — shamed simply for being White. We’re not allowed to have our own exclusive spaces, take pride in our culture, or advocate for our own interests. That's precisely what needs to change.

It’s degeneracy that deserves condemnation. It’s minorities who should be marginalized, not the people who built the greatest and most advanced civilization in human history. White people must cast off the guilt forced upon them and take pride in their achievements.

White Fucking Power!


Sounds like you'd like to fly a flag announcing how proud you are.

Pity. Most people I know from Poland are quite smart.


While he's presenting ideas, you're spewing rhetorical one liners with assumption based premises propping up the apparent confidence in your views.

You did top it off with a nice reference and example of stereotyping though, and the irony of that in the context of denigrating his views on race is funny and appreciated, if not intentional. Thanks for that at least.


That's an ignore twofer right there.

Enjoy your single coloured rainbow the two of you.


That didn't take much. It seems that this bot has sensitivity code embedded in its programming.


I really hope he was joking about the ignore, because if not, that’s pretty disappointing. It’s his choice if he wants to turn this site into an echo chamber, but honestly, it’s just so lame. What’s crazy is that I’ve had good interactions with him in the past, so I don’t understand why he’s suddenly become so sensitive. Sad.


Who knows. I've had a few interactions with him where I've disagreed with him and tried to be nice following, but he's a bit of a sour puss, if not a full blown flowery pussy that would use ignore from a conversation like this, and he never reciprocated the attempts.

It could also have to do with the last few days in GD I vaguely referenced earlier. I know that he simps hard on one of the few verified females here that I apparently deeply offended with this post:


Are you talking about Sslssg? I’ve interacted with her a bit, and she’s been pretty cool with me. So, are you saying Parker’s got a thing for her and is White-knighting?

What happened with the dogpile? I thought everything was fine since you joined their MovieClub. I listened to the episode, and it seemed like you all enjoyed hanging out together.


Sslssg seems decent, and I thought that clip I posted in response to someone else was funny more than anything, given how harmless she seemed. That pretty much set shit on fire in GD from what I gather, and the dogpile commenced from there with a flock of posters swarming me in her defense. Parkerbot wasn't one of them, but he simps hard for sslssg and another female poster over there named fourlemons, who incidentally is cool and has nothing to do with this situation, and probably other women on here as well.

I had a good time at the MCMC as well. That part is too bad.


Yeah, they all seem pretty tight-knit over there, so if you get into it with one of them — especially if it's a woman — you’ll likely see people simping pretty hard. I get it. Sslssg is alright, and Fourlemons is a genuinely nice person; I like her. I can understand why people would simp for them.


Well said. That's pretty much my take as well and there's not many posters on these forums that I have any actual resentment towards.




You are correct — many people from Poland are indeed highly intelligent. And I count myself among them.
Are you seriously implying that my intelligence is somehow lacking just because you disagree with my political views? Are you so thoroughly cucked that you can't even acknowledge an intelligent White person being proud of their race? Has your brain been so completely brainwashed by wokeness and White guilt that you’re incapable of recognizing the merit in taking pride in your own heritage — assuming, of course, that you’re White?


Something similar as well has occurred to me but I've never thought of it in those terms. Putting it that way makes so much sense.

Prior to the rise of ideology driven propaganda being propagated easily through mass media, the form of culture essentially was driven by evolutionary pressures. What was normal, from slavery to serfdom, was an extension of this. In other words, the form society took wasn't driven by concerns such as "being nice" or "acceptance," but what fit and worked best in its context. That has been lost to an extent and in its place is a world of ideas that has assumed dominance in the cultural sphere. We're now seeing this play out, and all of the lessons of what does and doesn't work, formerly reinforced at a societal and individual level through the likes of shame, that have been embedded into culture and traditions have been set aside. By extension, the negative consequences of ignoring those lessons are now in front of us for all to see.

I've thought about this from time to time since having a conversation with a medical doctor about how in the past, prior to the likes of antibiotics and advanced treatments, only the strong survived. In his words, now everyone survives and the maladies continue to accrue at a genetic level. Applying this notion to culture isn't so much of a logical leap.

As an aside, these boards are so much more satisfying to participate in than others on this site. Compared to the Yahoo Chat room that is GD, this place is gold. Thanks for doing what you do CM.


...prior to the likes of antibiotics and advanced treatments, only the strong survived. In his words, now everyone survives and the maladies continue to accrue at a genetic level. Applying this notion to culture isn't so much of a logical leap.

I never thought of it this way — this is a such a great point. It fits into my theory that roughly every 80 years, we see the rise of something akin to fascism — an authoritarian period that emerges from the chaos created by the accumulated cultural decay.

As this cultural rot erodes societal bonds, civilization begins to disintegrate. This pattern often coincides with the collapse of empires, which is exactly what we’re experiencing now. In times like these, restoring order requires an authoritarian government — usually led by a strongman — to seize the levers of power and purge the degeneracy. Once the job is done, the state reverts to a liberal democracy, but with a more conservative and stable society.

And thank you for the kind words, Semi. It’s always nice to be appreciated. I like to drop by GD every now and then to catch up with old friends, but it feels a bit like visiting a quiet rural village after getting used to the chaos of the big city.

I live here — on the Politics board — where we spar, battle, and engage in bloodsport. GD, on the other hand, is like Mayberry, where I half expect to see Andy taking Opie fishing.


We’re all supposed to be proud of ourselves, no matter what. Proud of our degeneracy, our mental illnesses, our narcissism, our immoral behavior. Instead of confronting our flaws and striving to be better, we’re told to embrace them, to celebrate them.

That's the beauty of the ideals of free speech. To be shamed and ashamed heads toward being silenced. But a lot of terms you are using are too subjective and used too loosely to be anything more than just an opinion when it is just as easy to slip the boot on the other foot.

Also 'pride' and 'shame' are purely subjective notions, they can be attributed and distributed according to whatever agenda one holds.

it all traces back to the Pride flag.

This seems unduly reductive, while correlation of course is not the same as cause. But I can see what you are trying to do.


That’s exactly right — shaming silences people, and that’s precisely the point. We don’t want the government or corporations dictating what we can and can’t say, but as a society, we absolutely have the right to apply pressure and make it clear what will and will not be tolerated.

For the past decade, being White and proud of it has been something that wasn’t tolerated. Anyone who could be labeled a "racist" or "White supremacist" was ostracized, and this was done deliberately. The tactic was simple: brand anyone who challenged woke dogma as a racist, ensuring they were shunned and excommunicated from the cult. Wokeness had total control over the levers of power, and they wielded that power mercilessly.

But then people like me came along who fought back. Who wore those racist labels like a badge of honor. We went after the Wokes. We called them out everywhere — on message boards, on Twitter, in our workplaces, and among our friends and acquaintances. We made it clear that wokeness would not be tolerated. We used their own tactics against them, exposing and ridiculing them, dehumanizing them the way they dehumanized us, turning the tide in our favor.

Now, the normies are on our side. And with that shift, the power dynamic has changed. We will use that power to do to the Wokes exactly what they did to us. We will make it so that racism is once again a legitimate position — and being woke will get you ostracized and marginalized. For years, I had a phrase I came up with and often used on message boards:
"The Wokes will be purged from every group, institution, and organization and pushed to the fringes of society where they belong—back to some dark corner of the racial/gender studies department of academia, never to be seen or heard from again."
I really liked this phrase and would often end my diatribes with it. And now, it seems I’ve finally willed it into reality. The purge is finally here. Justice has finally come for the Social Justice Warriors.


shaming silences people,

Then logically one would expect libertarians at least to be against anything which reduces freedom of speech and expression, the priority of which would necessarily override

...the right to apply pressure and make it clear what will and will not be tolerated.

That's the dilemma. One can't have it both ways. And the above words again represent something which is worryingly vague and subjective. It all of course depends on who 'we' are. It is always grand to be among those tolerated, or those who get to decide. But, as noted before, this type of thing works both ways. One might not want to tolerate ultra-right nationalists to the right of Hitler, for instance.

For the past decade, being White and proud of it has been something that wasn’t tolerated.

An exaggeration. But one which it suits your approach to make. But thank you for this, and all the succeeding opinions (which sound though like a speech rather than an answer lol.) If I may say so, in their provocative nature they are entirely characteristic of you.

We don’t want the government or corporations dictating what we can and can’t say,

Reading this, one wonders how society arrives at present at what it tolerates for sure without the help of government and corporations. In the US for instance, Trump's administration and the increasingly right wing and libertarian social media barons are working on shaping just that, through new laws and policies.

Now, the normies are on our side

I'm not. But then 'normies' can be made to mean anything you want.
