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What qualities should your ideal leader of a country have?

Try not to name specific leaders. I'm looking for qualities the leader of a country should have.

I think a good leader of a country should be first and foremost be wise - they should have good judgement and decision making. A good leader should be smart and know when to engage or back down.

A good leader should also be compassionate and not leave anyone behind. They should be able to be kind to others, even if they offer nothing in return. Basically, just be a good person.

Also, a good leader should be able to relate to the common citizen. Being "folksy" is a good trait to have and I think it's an underrated trait. Being able to see the leader as an ordinary, yet wise and compassionate person is a nice thing.


Intelligence. Compassion. Good judgment.

To get the job done, they'll also need to know how to promote their ideas, be an effective communicator and know how to network among legislators.


Good reply!


There's no need for an individual leader, because an individual leader requires authoritarian power and authoritarian power leads near instantly to corruption.
Far better it works when the "leader" of a country is the people as a whole, as it is in Switzerland, where any decision any politician makes can be overturned by the people if they request a referendum on it.
Nobody knows any Swiss politician by name, it doesn't even matter whether the personal opinions of politicians are right or left leaning, because all of them are nothing more than subordinates of the people which guarantees the Swiss people more liberal freedom than any other country in the world has.

The facts speak for themselves.
Switzerland has never participated in any war, they have no military worth mentioning, they have remained neutral in the middle of two world wars, they pay the highest social security money to people without an income in the world (roughly 3 times more than Germany does) and they have a factual (without even needing a law about it) minimum wage of over $25 an hour.


Ah, that's awesome!


A lot of people find this awesome when you tell them about it, but hardly anyone realizes that they can get there as well, because voters have it in their power to push politics into that.
Just take a look at the evolution of political standpoints


and then tell me what might be the reason why Republicans have moved ever further to the top-right of the spectrum.
Maybe because people vote for them?
How hard can it be to conclude that if people vote for authoritarians, they will give politicians an incentive to become ever more authoritarian?
People are literally expressing in no uncertain terms that they want to get patronized, which is why I have suggested the US should be renamed from "the land of the free" to "the land of the patronized".

The opposite way around would work the exact same way, the more people would vote for liberals, the more Republicans would come down from the maximized authoritarian position they have right now.
Voting Democrats makes no difference because they are authoritarians as well, giving Republicans the same incentive to move further towards the authoritarian end.
The common excuse of why people don't want to vote for liberals is that they think the Greens wouldn't be qualified to run the country, but that's not the point of voting liberal, the point is dragging ALL politicians towards the liberal half of the spectrum until even the two main parties are liberal enough to run politics for the people.


Common Sense should be at the top of the List.


I agree!


Intolerance towards use of pronouns in government email signatures.


A good leader is strong, decisive, and commands respect. They possess wisdom and sound judgment, always thinking carefully before acting. With a clear vision of the path ahead, they guide their people with purpose and conviction. Compassionate and deeply committed to serving as the true voice of the people. To be the very best of us.


Good answer!
