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Commies on the rise in America?


I briefly flirted with communism a few years ago, but I’ve since concluded that the best form of socialism is National Socialism — firmly anti-communist and anti-Marxist.


I think the best system is one that's not the extreme of either since authoritarianism soon takes place. This is why I think Bernie is one of the best but never given at least one or two terms to try. There is still Capitalism at its foundation but it's Democratic Socialism and not just Socialism to Communism. You need to take care of the people so they don't start feeling the revolutionary feel which can lead to crackdowns in an authoritative measure where things start to spiral out of control.

The AI revolution from China just showed how wasteful America spends its money on things and why things are so expensive to produce at home due to not wanting to share, profit above all else, and cheapest labor as possible.


I’m a fan of Bernie and even voted for him. My version of National Socialism is heavily inspired by Bernie’s left-wing economic policies. I’ve taken the concept of National Socialism — not as it was implemented in 1930s Germany, but as a theoretical framework — and stripped it down to its fundamentals. At its core, it’s a left-wing economic model fused with a socially conservative, right-wing culture rooted in traditional values. Essentially, what I’m advocating for is a socially conservative welfare state.

I believe this combination is the key — the one approach we haven’t tried yet, and the one that has the potential to be the most successful.
