MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Trump does start deporting people won...

If Trump does start deporting people won't "liberals" (haha) be happy?

Cause he's going to deport tons of Latino people, but...

Muslims will still get to keep Minnesota and Michigan as their "territory" - cause they're in America legally, Obama settled them all as "refugees" in his presidency. And after this long, some of them will be the offspring of those who were brought here, etc.

So Trump's only going to go after people who are more likable and leave your favourite horrible religion alone.

He's practically doing your work!


Muslims are only 1% of the population.

Hispanics are the larger threat to a white-majority. Trumpf's henchmen discussed denaturalization and "voluntary" emigration back to original countries usually done by persecuting a specific ethnic group so they'll leave which was basically Hitler's Nazi Germany plan for Jews before they were mass killed. Also, Hispanics may have legal and illegal family members so deport the illegals and hope the rest of the family follows which is a part of the plan. They'll end new immigration and naturalization, too.

Stephen Miller is the main henchman into torturing migrant children, demonizing non-whites and mass deportations.

Many democrats are sitting by with popcorn to watch Trumpf screw over the rubes who stupidly voted for him including Latinos, white middle and working-class, women.
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Muslims are only 1% of the population.

Which population? America? you didn't even specify and the stats you're working with are no doubt so old, Muhammad wouldn't have slept with them or married them

Your "move", captain dumbbshit
