Alex Jones said*, right....
Trump is going to use tarriff money, to pay for his bankrupcties. and that's freakin' awesome, right? because if you were bankrupt, you would, right? Get the public to bail you out.
*I don't watch Alex Jones. for the people who question this or have difficulties *cough no names mentioned Kingbob who must be trolling*, it is a fabrication. it is known as comedic fiction. Somehow I need to say that. because somehow someone will actually believe me. because. somehow.
That is, they'll believe AJ said that. They won't believe Trump will bail himself out using your tarriffs. And that's fine, if you're Trump. Or they will believe Trump will bail himself out with your tarriffs and they'll like it, because that's why you voted for him. cuz he does shit. and people like that
Occasional signature.
"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that" - DJT
Political commentary/observation.