We fought trillions of dollars worth of wars at the behest of the Israel Lobby, at the behest of Netanyahu. Netanyahu was the great cheerleader for the Iraq War. He was the great cheerleader for overthrowing Syria. He’s been the cheerleader for a war with Iran that he’s just desperate to have this coming week, and I mean it literally.
Where is Western civilization when Israel is massacring tens of thousands of people before our eyes, blowing up the housing, the hospitals, the clinics, the infrastructure of Gaza, then, now bombing indiscriminately Beirut—in fact, all parts of Lebanon—they were just bombing the port of Tyre, and Netanyahu’s talking about expanding the war to Iran.
Of course, he can’t do it other than the United States getting into a war with Iran which would be a complete disaster—and a disaster for Israel—though it’s the one that Netanyahu is egging on.
It is a pervasive view around the world that I am hearing every single day that there are no Western values because we see a genocide unfolding in Gaza, we see absolutely zero will of the US government to reign in what Israel is doing, though everything that Israel is doing depends on the US bombs, the US weapon systems, the US financing.
This is a US operation being carried out by Israel but with complete complicity by the United States and silence by Europe.
This is now the common parlance around the world. I’m asked all the time, ‘What is your government doing? How can it stand by when Israel is committing these crimes?’ It’s an amazing question. It’s so stark. It’s such a profound failure of American politics that it is like this.
Netanyahu has been leading the United States into disaster after disaster after disaster. And he still shows up to Congress—which takes money from the Israel Lobby—and he gets 50 standing ovations. After the Iraq war, after all the wars that he has led us into, the massive debts that he has caused, the massive loss of life that he’s caused, the increasing instability that he’s caused, he gets applause in the US Congress because they are simply on the take.