How are "liberals" going to come up with something worse than Biden?
They only care about foisting terrible things on people don't they. The Biden era is one of the worst most gruesome things they've done to people
Over the last 3 - 4 years, they've insulted everybody's intelligence every day by saying there was "nothing suspicious" about the 2020 election and that it wasn't stolen.
They also like insulting you by telling you he has nothing wrong with him and age is "not a problem" they denied it until it was completely ridiculous to do so, and some of them still deny it after last week.
Long before that (but still going on today) they like telling you to accept a horrible oppressive strict religion (Islam) setting themselves up in your own countries. And they tell you there's "nothing wrong with it".
What's gonna be worse? How can they come up with something worse.
Prison camps?