MovieChat Forums > Politics > Democrat party rectum mental illness has...

Democrat party rectum mental illness has reached new heights lol!!! Update: Orange Brandon in the house!

US representatives from the Democrat party, their media rectum schills, and of course the braindead lemmings on my block list and around the country, are now calling for the assassination of Trump and Supreme Court Justices.

The Democrat party is the enemy of the American people. It has been since they killed JFK.

Joe Biden is the perfect representation of the Democrat rectum and its lemmings followers. Senile. Braindead. Zero useful skills outside of the political machine.

Never run a business, taught a class, employed someone, built anything. A worthless political party of career politicians who could be replaced tomorrow and no one would miss them.


The Democrats were really pinning their hopes on the lawfare. The SCOTUS ruling wasn't in any way controversial.


the rectum will use this to cancel the elections and make Joe a King for life.


They’re having a meltdown over the immunity decision. Their true colors are showing.

Their hatred was always there, Trump exposed it in 2015.

I’ve seen a video where someone mentioned Biden could authorize a seal team to do it and hundreds of idiots encouraging it.


Democrats are going for the orange vote.
