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Karma Is A Bitch!! We Told Ya So! Pay The Devil His/Her/Its Dues! 👹

“The Californian Exodus Continues as a Major Pizza Chain Relocates to Georgia”

“In-N-Out Burger Customers Experience 'Sticker Shock' After California's Minimum Wage Increase”

“Mexican Chain Rubio's Closing 48 Locations 2 Months After California Changed Law”

“In Mostoriam: Victims of Newsom's Minimum Wage”

🤭🥴🤷🏼‍♀️ Just what in the hell did you expect? No hamburger flipper is worth $15 an hour. So the inane Democrat lawmakers decided on $20 an hour!! 😅😂🤣😅😂🤣 😅😂🤣🤣😅


Frankly I would rather have a lower paying job than…NO JOB AT ALL!


It's not karma, it's inflation:

And unemployment is at a 50 year low! You need to find a different line of attack if you want to influence voters (and I would suggest fewer emojis, which signal to the more mature among us that you have a child-like mind).


I’m sorry…I couldn’t help it. The use-to-be workers protested for $15.00 per hour. The inane Democrats gave them $20 per hour. You attacking me doesn’t assist the thousands who lost their jobs. But, that’s the way of nonsensical Dems & Libs…attack the messenger. You have no logical reasoning to support what that damn state body of yahoos did. Inflation? You nailed it!

These past 4 years I’ve wondered how people are feeding their families. $10.00 a pound for ground beef on the cheap end. $24.00 for a pot roast. $5.00 for a loaf of bread! Now thanks to those damn vacuous no-nothings thousands have lost their jobs. Have empathy for them and cease attacking me.


You think workers don't deserve $20/hr. and cry about people lacking empathy. Very typical Rethuglican response.


There ya go! Attacking the messenger instead of standing your ground with facts. I wrote “HAMBURGER FLIPPERS”! These are jobs which used to go to first jobs afterschool teenagers, college students, extra income at various times of the year. They weren’t meant to support a family. Many families with young kids look upon the fast food restaurants as a family once a week treat. I recall when having a new baby, a child 3 yrs old & a husband working full time a treat was a once a week trip to the local ice cream joint. Those damnable Democrat yokels have priced some families out of that treat. Disney is losing families as visitors due to outrageous prices.

I fed a family of 4 in 1966 for $15.00 a week including household necessities. There’s no way I could feed a family of 4 today for $145.00 a week. Hells Bells! It’s nothing for me to drop $150.00 or more for one trip to the grocery. This doesn’t include household items which I Subscribe & Save with Amazon.

” Inflation spiked to the highest level in over 40 years. Despite recent moderation, consumer prices are up nearly 18% overall during Biden’s time. Gasoline is up 29%.

Average weekly earnings haven’t kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings declined 3.4%.”

” Inflation came roaring back under Biden. During his first 35 months in office, the Consumer Price Index rose 17.6%.


They really shouldn't let the inmates in old folk's homes have internet access, it just confuses them and makes them ornery.


Ain’t that the truth! I’m so happy I’m not one of them. I’ve enjoyed using my 12 iPads since 2009 unencumbered. Before that I had several Windows laptops one of which I wiped & restored. Also had desktops until I became tired of them. I’m on my 4th Apple Watch.

I’m self-sufficient with the ability to do most things. I say most, but not all. We do tend to lose strength as we age. I do put furniture together using cam bolts I have a beautiful tool kit with every type driving bit needed. I love my new 2 sizes of ratchet drivers which adjust at every angle needed and with flexible mandrels. I always visit the tool section when I visit Home Depot or Lowe’s, which by the way began as closed to the general public. If I had to I could set up another satellite system for the whole house constructing my own cables. I could be an ace solderer again as I was trained by NASA. I have 5 pieces of furniture packed which need assembly, but no worry…just a lot of swearing when the door hinges don’t quite line up or when one of those pesky new type star screws strip. Just use a toothpick with a little super glue.

I hope I don’t have to replace the kitchen faucet again. Yeah, I’m grateful I’m not one of those poor souls. I would hate to have a twerp like you as a room mate. Oh, if you ever need a facility may you enter being a wee bit humble. I know, I know, it will be difficult for you as it’s a foreign concept for you. Being humble…


Sorry, I don't want to be your friend.


Aww 😔 That makes me sad. Oh well, that’s the way it crumbles, cookie-wise.


If you think fast food workers deserve $20 you're dumber than I thought.


you forgot to add its Joe biden inflation.


See my last sentence to the lib who can’t see the forest for the trees. I’m curious if s/he has ever wondered where did all the local workers go. Toll takers on the turnpike, kitchen help serves you after using a tablet to order, food & household goods picked by robots, cashiers at the supermarket where I once had a part-time job. No full time help at the stores, etc., etc.


You don't live in California so why are you so obsessed with them? I'm sure California is a paradise compared to the shithole in Mississippi where you live. You're right. Your stupidity cannot be fixed. Your life will improve when you stop blaming Biden and the Democrats for all your problems.


I’ll have you know I moved back to Central Florida after my husband died. Living in a dream home directly across from the Gulf of Mexico in Mississippi wasn’t exactly a chithole. BTW, I don’t have any problems. Do you?


They got what they wanted but more than they expected.

It's no surprise that they're also being replaced by AI/Computers/Technology.


You got it! These pitiful folks (Dems & Libs) are apparently very comfortable and give no thought to where all the service workers have gone. Hundreds were protesting for $15 an hour. They were given $20 an hour. Then they have NO job! Hands up for those in favor. Sorry, I say once again I would rather make $10 an hour working part time, as most of these jobs are, then pick up another $10 an hour part time job, than to have NO JOB!


Doesn't mean much when California is still the 5th largest economy in the world. Just the ebb and flow of company migration. Once they accrued wealth they want to keep it so the go elsewhere to Capitalize on it.


Hmm? I never thought of that. Silly me! I wonder why people are leaving CA in droves? This includes very well to do folks. I can attest to that fact, They are either moving to Texas or Florida. Sometimes it appears everyone is moving to the Sunshine state. My home county in Florida is one of the fastest growing counties in the nation. The influx are people coming from CA & NY. They work from home while their companies stay headquartered in the states they left. It’s a win win for both the companies and the employees.
