MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden is the most racist president of my...

Biden is the most racist president of my lifetime

And he needs to shut the fuck up.


You're just now discovering this?? After 4 years?? The man told the black community they're not black unless they vote for him or Democrat in general and this was in 2020!! Hell, I'm still waiting on the accusations of Trump being racist and what exactly he said that qualified him to be racist compared to what Biden said and if it's not this, it's in 1993 when then Senator Joe Biden referred to the black community as "Savages & Predators" and people on the left and liberals have the audacity to say Trump's the one who's racist?? 🙄


Here, have a tissue. 🧻


Imagine. You completed college, you are at graduation with your gown and funny looking hat on. Up comes this dipshit who tells you, you are a victim, everyone hates you, you are going to get killed in the streets. How uplifting is that? lol

No better way to enter the world, right? Well, it's the typical leftist way of things. Kill dreams, wreck lives, and above all divide people. All of this from a person who promised to bring people together, unite folks. Nope. Bedpan-Bite-Me-Biden has done the opposite.

He cannot run on his record. He has to create division and drama.


I'm still embarrassed about my time as a liberal, believing I'd sided with a group of people interested in world peace.


Elitist liberals are the ones keeping racism alive.


What did he say that is racist? Are you implying that black people have never been oppressed in this country?


The last sitting senator to lead a public high tech lynching of a black man.

And 30 million Democrats proudly voted for him.
