MovieChat Forums > Politics > Okay anti-Trumpers, if it...

Okay anti-Trumpers, if it...

was a match-up between Hitler and Trump, you would vote for Hitler, that's how much you hate Trump and probably Jews too.


What if Satan is the Libertarian candidate?


Satan is anti-Trump and suffers from the worst case of TDS.


He's probably just jelly of those gold sneakers.


Of course they would. Haven't you seen the comments by some of the anti-Trump brigade where they would rather vote for a bag of potatoes or flour? It doesn't get more clear than that.


yes they would. they are voting for biden which is basically the same as voting for hitler.


No one ever said Zoomers were smart.. If Trump wins, the meltdown will be spectacular and will look like this when Trump won in 2016:

This chick is literally unhinged at the time.. I'd like to know where she's at today, if she survived 4 years of Trump for the way she was shaking in that video like a lunatic??


if Trump does somehow win, it will be the apocalypse and the end of humanity. dems will do everything they can to remove Trump once again.

haha, I love that video. all the salty tears was glorious. lol

I hope 2024 brings us the sequel to this hilarity.


I predict if Trump does win again, it will be much worse than what we saw in 2016. We'll see mass hysteria, pandemonium, and total chaos and this would be just the beginning.

But it would be glorious to see it. lol.
