MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Juwes are the men that will not be b...

The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.

Over one hundred years ago, some uneducated street urchin living in the neighborhood where the Jack the Ripper murders took place could see the truth.

I can point this out now because this is an anonymous message board so it won't be connected with me. No one will hold it against me, outside of a few blind fools that post here! Lucky me, to have a place like this where I can freely speak my mind.
I can go where I wanna go. Do what I wanna do. With whoever I wanna do it. There are laws and rules so people with the big tech companies have to respect our privacy.


Learn to spell, child.


But Aaron Kosminski, to protect his community from the backlash his own crimes, famously wrote “the jews” as j-u-w-e-s in chalk on the wall of the alleyway in 1888 after the double-event. OP is 100% correct.

“What are you lookin’ at, Lipski?”


I knew about the writing on the wall, but didn't know it was misspelled. Aaron Kosminski has been my main suspect in the killings for a while now.


I agree, he’s the strongest suspect and only one with more than circumstantial evidence, which was off-the-record. Israel Schwartz witnessed either Kosminski or an unidentified John Doe (designated David Cohen) from the same asylum, attacking Elizabeth Stride on the night in question. It was probably Kosminski since the chief inspector considered him a prime suspect anyway, and if it were Cohen or another Kosminski that would be one hell of a coincidence. Aaron Kosminski, were he Jack the Ripper, sadly lived until 1919 with no repercussions for his crimes, except to be locked up in booby-hatch as a paranoid schizophrenic. I hope they gave that fucker lots of electroshock therapy.

OP has a point. Antisemitism was sometimes valid because those people were very tribal, and Schwartz wouldn’t testify against a fellow Jewish immigrant. Can you imagine? I don’t necessarily think Hamas or the Muslims in Gaza are much better, but no other race would be so protective of their status for “one of their own.” Kosminski might have known this and taunted the investigators that night, and Schwartz himself, just as he may have done so with the bloody apron, From Hell letter (w/ kidney) from the other crime scene.

There are a lot of good suspects, but there have been recent DNA developments as well on Catherine Eddowes bloody shawl that also point towards Kosminski or, at least, European region Jew.

Congrats buddy, we solved it together with some assistance from the OP. :-)


I blame copy/paste.


it won't be connected with me

lol, your proxies and vpns will not be enough.

There are laws and rules so people with the big tech companies have to respect our privacy.

hahaha, big government doesn’t give a shit.


"lol, your proxies and vpns will not be enough."

Or you!

If my suspicions are correct, keep in mind that if they can do it to me, they can do it to you.

By it, I mean spying, violating the law and the companies rules in order to monitor my activities, tracking what I do online, maybe tapping into microphones, maybe cameras. Maybe, probably, manipulating people around me, toying with me.

And by they, I'm not talking about Israel or the CIA necessarily. I'm not sure who it is, other than that some of them are insiders with big tech companies, possibly people who keep the technology running, possibly people higher up. Possibly very high up. I have no way of knowing who it is, or how high up it goes.

IF THEY CAN DO IT TO ME, THEY CAN DO IT TO YOU. That includes the people actually involved in doing the things I fear they may be doing.

If you are there, reading, listening, I will point out again, IF THEY CAN DO IT TO ME, THEY CAN DO IT TO YOU. Maybe you think, never, they are on my side. But they may not stay that way.


You are been psycho-paranoid about the establishment that you worship. Oh the irony.




You psychos will get around to blaming everything on the Jews, when it is all yuwes.


All mees?

I've forcibly relocated Palestinians for decades, since I came into the world. And recently killed over twenty thousand Palestinian civilians?

Christ, how do I sleep at night?

Have I been breaking privacy laws like certain elements inside the tech companies, for their amusement, perhaps justified by some belief in their own moral superiority and a "we are on the right side of history" we can do no wrong mentality? Using what they gather against people, manipulating them and the people around them?

That's not good either. If any monitoring of my activities is going on here, I am probably not alone. I see no reason they wouldn't do it to celebrities and politicians.

People are always curious about them. Why, when I was at a large health insurance company, briefly, people would ignore the law and the companies rules and look up people like that without a reason, check out their claims, see if they had anything interesting going on health wise. Even our trainer was doing this kind of shit.

They didn't give it much of a thought, it seemed. It wouldn't shock me if people inside Google, internet providers, other big tech companies had the same attitude. Maybe they don't stop there, they even start using what they find out for some nefarious purpose.
