MovieChat Forums > Politics > I need an explanation of how true libert...

I need an explanation of how true libertarianism would work?

i do not simply mean "yes i believe in abit smaller government but i still want a military, social education for kids, firefighters i just think we need less regulation and taxes".

i mean a hardcore libertarians who wants almost all of the current socially funded activities to be privatized. How would such a system work? What safeguards would there be to protect consumers or average people? and with maybe an example or two with how said new things would operate in their privatized libertarian form like for example "we wouldn't need regulations such as lead in paint and gasoline because X Y and Z would work just as good"


The extreme libertarianism which the Koch brothers endorsed would mean businesses are free to pollute, exploit consumers since no protections, low pay for workers with dangerous working conditions. No Medicare, no social security, no unemployment. When you fall on hard times, then you're on your own or hope a private charity helps you. No public libraries nor schools nor post office. Private everything would be more expensive. Less taxes only means for the rich since historically it was passed to the poor and working-classes. Less regulation hurts consumers like it did during the foreclosure and banking collapse. Notice how banks wanted taxpayers to give them money. Rich are gladly pro-socialism when it benefits only them. They accepted free money for their businesses during covid shutdowns also!

You can easily find out by reading how people lived before these programs and and protections existed.

Regular people depend on pooling resources, and shared infrastructure, etc. for a better life and survival. Rich people like the billionaire Koch brothers don't need any social programs like Medicare which is the reason they want to end it. No regulations help Big Biz exploit workers and consumers. They were sociopaths who only cared about themselves.


Personally, I am all for regulations, as I have neither the inclination, nor the time to research which coffee company has the fewest number of rats shitting in the grounds since health inspectors no longer exist or consequences for a company having that factory full of rats. And that's just one of thousand examples.


wait you mean consumers DONT have the time to go into the store. look through 5 different brands of ketchup, research their history and standards, then do that for every other product they want?


In a place like Argentina, where a huge percentage of people live in poverty and rely on government programs, it would be tragedy.
