Not when you are the side that has a much higher death count then the other while also causing much more destruction and suffering for everyone of all ages and withholding much needed food, water and medical supplies for the innocents.
Jews are putting the Pals. through their own holocaust in the Gaza concentration camp.
Who does that remind me of?
Oh yeah.
That Hitler guy.
All you've accomplished is to expose your ignorance about World War II. 300,000-600,000 civilians were killed in the Allies' carpet bombing of German cities yet you didn't even think to compare the Israeli bombing of Gaza to that. Instead you compared it to the death of 6 million Jews. Why is the death of 10,000 Gazans killed by bombing more like the death of 6 million Jews than it's like the death of 300,000-600,000 Germans from bombing? No one has any clue what it actually looks like to destroy a regime that slaughters as many Jews as possible without bombing civilians in the process of destroying that regime because no one has ever actually seen it!
The logic of your argument that Israel is in the wrong because of the discrepancy between the number of Israelis and number of Palestinians killed would make the Germans the victims of World War II because a lot more German than British civilians were killed by bombing during the war and the British caused much greater destruction of German cities than that caused by the Germans to British cities. The discrepancy between German and American civilians killed by bombing was that much greater because the Germans never bombed any American cities. On top of that, the Allies cut off the supply of food and fuel to Germany during the war. Your argument that Israel "can't play the Holocaust victim card anymore" delegitimizes the very tactics used by the Allies to defeat the perpetrators of the Holocaust!
You're just demonstrating the thinking that made the Holocaust inevitable. In a perfect world, the community of nations would have responded to Kristallnacht in 1938 with an immediate war on Germany to destroy Hitler's regime. But that would inevitably come at the cost of killing far more Germans than the Germans killed Jews. The Hamas attack on October 7th killed over a thousand Jews. In contrast, only 91 Jews were killed on Kristallnacht. What would happen once the war to destroy Hitler's regime killed more than 91 Germans? Would it then suddenly become illegitimate? What about when the number of Germans killed was double that number, 182? What about when it reached 273? 364? 453? 542?
Over 3 million German soldiers ended up dying in World War II. Surely the total number of German dead in a war that started with a direct attack on Germany and leading to the full destruction of Hitler’s regime would kill a whole lot more than 10,000 Germans. And what would the likes of WarrenPeace then have to say about that? It’s a whole lot easier to justify the death of millions of Germans after the Germans had carried out the Holocaust along with killing millions of other non-Germans. You’re merely demonstrating the inherent difficulty that arises when those who massacre Jews are immediately dealt with instead of being allowed to grow in strength until they’re too powerful to stop. The world will always be too blind to see the necessity of destroying those who would annihilate the Jews until it’s too late, or until those who would destroy the Jews have attacked other non-Jews.
...300,000-600,000 civilians were killed in the Allies' carpet bombing of German cities yet you didn't even think to compare the Israeli bombing of Gaza to that.
This is such an odd defence.
One atrocity pardons another...
I think this can only really exist in the mind of one who genuinely cannot fathom the concept of neutral people in the world just looking on at the horrors Israel is perpetrating and demanding they show some humanity. One which genuinely cannot believe people can find Hamas' actions just as abhorrent as Israel's subsequent atrocities / ethnic cleansing, and therefore the mindset becomes one that neutrals must really just be against Israel.
Therefore you get this past horrors committed by "your side" nonsense. Problem is we're supposed to progress as human beings and learn from the past horrors "we've" (if you want to group people all under one umbrella!) committed. We should be ashamed by them - Not using them as some sort of "get out of jail free" pass...
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It is not "progress" to not be able to understand the difference between an attack and defense.
I don't understand what you mean here:-
Are you saying that if you don't defend your borders properly you should be free to go on a vicious inhumane attack (citing past atrocities) and then claim that as a just defence?
And that we'd be EVOLVING as a collective society by embracing that?
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YOu completely failed to understand my simple statement.
As to querying your "simple statement", I did ask:-
Are you saying that if you don't defend your borders properly you should be free to go on a vicious inhumane attack (citing past atrocities) and then claim that as a just defence?
So I take it you're saying, yes that's all good (having understood my simple statement)? In which case, yes I must be from a "culture that doesn't understand the concept of defending itself". At least in those terms.
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YOur follow up question where you went, "are you saying", you went so far off the rails, that I have nothing to say about that. It had nothing to do with anything I said.
The disconnect between what I said, and your take on it, was such that I can envision no response that makes sense.
You seem to be generating far more noise inside of your own head, and blocking nearly all of my actual statement.
Correct. There is no connection between what I said, and what you got.
I said nothing about a "failure to defend". I certainly didn't' build on that which I did not say, to then justify anything. I said nothing about characterizing any attacks or counterattacks as "inhumane".
Really, just about everything you claim to have gotten from my post, was completely unconnected and/or wrong.
"just about everything you claim to have gotten from my post".
LOL again - and what exactly would I have been "claiming" to have "gotten"? Once again (and try very hard to comprehend what this actually means) the very first thing I said was that I didn't understand what you meant!
Practically every reply you have made since simply regurgitates that I didn't get / understand what you meant... Well no shit Sherlock - I literally explained that to you.
The best I can gather is that you meant their attacks are a form of defence but unless you actually confirm that, rather than simply spewing the same nonsense out time and time again, I don't actually know.
Given yout claim that what you were saying was such a "simple statement" I'm still not sure why you are still seemingly willfully set on not explaining it...
In my previous post I listed three ways that your take on my post was wrong.
Explain where you got that bit about "failure to defend". That had nothing to do with anything I said. That was something that was generated completely on YOUR side of the failed attempt at ccommunication.
This was what I said. It is still my point. Try addressing what I actually said, before making shit up. Ask questions, real questions, not trying to put YOUR premises onto me.
It is not "progress" to not be able to understand the difference between an attack and defense.
You and yours are DEVOLVING, part of a declining culture. One that is losing their ability to defend themselves.
I noticed the same commonality with almost all leftists as they are unable to properly interpret/filter the simplicity of things since they lack common sense and deductive reasoning.
It's not at all an odd defense because the main point is to criticize WarrenPeace's bad analogy of Israel's war in Gaza to the Holocaust. The main point is that comparing what Israel is doing to the Allies bombing German cities during WWII would be a much better analogy. And I never said that the carpet bombing of German cities was an atrocity so you can't claim that I argued that one atrocity pardoned another.
I don't buy that anyone demanding Israel "show some humanity" are genuinely neutral. At worst, they're overtly hostile to Israel's existence and to Jews in general. At best, they're biased in favor of the Palestinians because of their identity. Even if such truly neutral people existed then they're still ignorant of the tough realities Israel faces in fighting Hamas. Such people have never achieved peace or ever will. They're like the neutral people during WWII, who accomplished nothing. For these people the demands to "show some humanity" only work one way. They only make these demands of Israel and never of Hamas. They never demand that anyone "show some humanity" to Israelis or even to other Jews. That's why all those people completely ignore the rampant Islamosupremacy that dominates the Muslim world and that has nearly eliminated the presence of Jews from Muslim-majority countries. Even equality for Jews in places where there isn't even any conflict is too much for these people to demand.
What have we actually "learned" from what the Allies did to Germany during WWII? How can you "learn" anything if you casually accept the fruits of the Allies' victory without demanding any consequences for how it was achieved? How is it "progress" to just leave Hamas alone in Gaza? How is it "progress" to demand Israel leave Hamas alone in Gaza while completely ignoring the depravities and discrimination committed by the Islamist governments that dominate the Muslim world? We can't make "progress" unless our demands to "show some humanity" go both ways. Otherwise, such demands are nothing more than a tool to be used to advance the interests of Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims at the expense of Israelis or Jews. These people have never done anything to defend Israelis or Jews from terrorism, persecution or discrimination and they never will.
I don't buy that anyone demanding Israel "show some humanity" are genuinely neutral...
Well exactly. At least you're honest.
Anyway sorry, when I replied to your post I didn't realise you were the same guy (I think?) I spoke to before who equated condemning Israeli's actions with being a holocaust denier... Sorry if that's wrong but I'm pretty sure it was you?
If so, I don't have anything further to add here.
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First off, I didn't equate "condemning Israel's actions" with Holocaust denial. I specifically equated *falsely accusing Israel of genocide* with Holocaust denial. Why are you falsely characterizing what I said? Why should that discussion be a reason for you to run away from this discussion? I wasn't planning to bring up that issue in this discussion.
You say that at least I'm honest when I say that I don't buy that anyone demanding Israel "show some humanity" are genuinely neutral as if that statement couldn't also be completely accurate as well. How do you know that I'm not right about that? Don't you realize that it's just generally a hard argument to make that anyone could be truly neutral about anything? The conventional wisdom is that everyone has their biases.
I interpret your quick abandonment of this discussion as recognition that your argument was bad to begin with and it would just be way too hard to try to defend.
Can you at least admit that I didn't equate "condemning Israel's actions" with Holocaust denial? Can you at least acknowledge that I specifically equated *falsely accusing Israel of genocide* with Holocaust denial?
The right-wing extremist Israeli government is behaving like Nazi Germany at the beginning of the Holocaust. Uneducated posters (like RustyShacklefurd) doesn't understand that the Holocaust happened in stages. First, Jews were discriminated. Then, treatment became more harsh with the goal of Jews to leave Germany. Then, there was Kristallnacht which is similar to the violent settler and IDF attacks happening now across the West Bank. Then, Jews were settled in ghettos where access to food, freedom of movement, etc were extremely limited or denied. Sound familiar to the open air prisons and apartheid system which now exist? We're in the early stages of genocide and continuation of ethnic cleansing.
Recently, Netanyahu made a Genocidal Amalek comment which called for the death of all Palestinians including women and children and babies as well as destroy all their homes.
I'll emphasis that it's not all Israelis who want this. There is a far-right extremist movement which exists in Israel driving this movement. But, let's remember that Nazi Germany happened because of an extremist minority movement, also.
Nothing I said actually demonstrated that I don't understand that the Holocaust happened in stages. Everytime you claim that I'm somehow ignorant about history you instead just prove what a moron you are.
WarrenPeace ridiculously compared the current war in Gaza to the Holocaust. I explained why that's ridiculous. And you're not even making the same argument he is. You're talking about the West Bank, which has a continually growing Palestinian population. By your logic, all the surrounding Arab countries were guilty of genocide for what they did to their Jews. By your logic, the victors of World War II were guilty of genocide for what they did to ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe.
More people died in the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings than people who died in 9/11. Are you saying the Nazi allies were right because more of them died?
What a disgusting person and hypocrite you are, WarrenPeace.
No wonder you were almost always called "WarrenPiss" on another site.
You not only continually ignore Hamas' massacre on Israeli civilians that sparked this war.
Hamas murdered more than 1,000 innocent men, women and children!
Now you even abuse the horrible Holocaust to serve your political purposes.
We (Germans) killed more than 6,000,000 Jews...innocent men women and children. 💔
Just because they were Jewish.
And when Hamas tries to repeat that horror you compare Israel's self-defense to that "Hitler guy".
You've reached an unspeakable new low.
It is no longer "self defense," what the terrorist IDF is doing.
Not when they intentionally murder the innocent in their genocide.
What both sides did is wrong.
Just that now Hamas is the lesser of the two evils.
After the murderous HAMAS TERRORIST attack in which more than 1,000 Israeli civilians died, Israel declared war. With the corresponding consequences.
Hamas still holds more than 200 Israeli civilian hostages!
Israel repeatedly asked the Palestinian civilians to leave northern Gaza.
And still, you expect Israel to drop red roses over Gaza to thank them for their murdered people.
Yes, that happened but unlike you I won't deny the atrocities done by both sides where two wrongs will not make a right and this violence by the IDF terrorists will not solve anything.
It will just another uprising with more violence.
Israel is all at fault here.
With their crimes against those in Gaza with their blockade and wall and now their murdering of the innocents in there and the stealing of land and murder of innocent Palestinians in the W. Bank.
It was a choice for them to go after Hamas like this and it was the wrong one.
It was HAMAS' wrong choice to invade Israel.
Now they pay for their terror attack and their massacres.
Apart of it that HAMAS still imprison Israeli civilian hostages.
Most of these hostages kidnapped from a peace (!) festival. ☻
After all the atrocities done by HAMAS, filmed by them and celebrated as 'liberation' they now scream for humanity and international help...gross.
What else was Hamas supposed to do after putting up with decades of an illegal blockade, wall and apartheid to try and get their people freedom from the tyranny of Jewland?
I am open to suggestions rather than to just sit there and continue taking it.
With the way you squirm out of our exchanges it is obvious to me that you have no interest in a debate/discussion on this and just want to troll instead.
There are a number of things Hamas could do to improve Gaza's relationship with Israel. Hamas is a thoroughly antisemitic group completely devoted to Israel's destruction. Hamas could make a statement that it's given up its antisemitism and given up on trying to completely destroy Israel. Hamas could say that it's still opposed to Israeli occupation of the West Bank but that its end goal is Palestinian coexistence with Israel. Hamas has never even tried this.
WarrenPeace isn't amenable to reasonable arguments.
He'll wait a bit again and then bumps with his repeated Hamas Lala.
Oh, and don't forget to mention children! 🙄
I'm a gay dude, I hate Nazism(for obvious reasons), I've always sided with Jews(I even have the diary of Anne Frank), but they have shown their real faces after this war broke out.
I can't stand watching anything that glorifies Judaism anymore. I threw away my Seinfeld DVDs, will never watch Stranger Things anymore because of that Noah Schnapp prick.
I know a huge chunk of Hollywood is Zionist, but I'm really boycotting anything where the main stars or producers have shown public support for Israel during this war, I'm disgusted!
I'm just saying that I've never disliked Jews, but now I don't feel that positive about them anymore either. That said, my problem isn't with Jews, but with Zionists.