MovieChat Forums > Politics > Vikings were "diverse" and "traveled to ...

Vikings were "diverse" and "traveled to different lands and those people joined them "

You know nothing about Viking history. Viking is a profession like pirate, not an ethnic or racial group. The Vikings were diverse as they traveled to different lands and those people joined them to work as Vikings, also.o

Many on the left have gone too crazy for me. this has to be the most woke (a term i hate using) bullcrap historical reimagination ive ever heard.


this has to be Keelai's "cleopatra the show" moment


by join them you mean being raped and pillaged


exactly. this has to be one of the most euphemistic uses of a word ive ever heard in my life... where "diversity" really means "well because they were sea farers who travelled far they could kidnap and rape all sorts of women from various ethnic groups!"

how progressive of them!


in a way it was kinda progressive, they ended up having one of the hottest woman populations in the world. shame they turned sjw libturd and imported half the turd world. going woke has ruined their once utopia...


And that's in "Politics" why?
Because of the term "woke"?

There's a board where these topics (history, NO pirates, diverse, etc.) were extensively discussed.

Vikings (2013-2020)

Somehow I've the gut feeling you already knew that.


the OP its from is in politics.

and id say his take is pretty Political. or at least he's inserting his nonsense political ideology into what is purely history.

I also did want more political input from "both sides" and see if my fellow lefties could chime in and admit "yaaa this is a pretty stupid take to claim mass raping meant "diversity""

I could see an argument for it being here or there though.


Yep, I saw it in your OP that you referred to his OP (Link).
Well, I don't really understand why you needed to create a new OP instead of discussing the topic in his OP.

However, as already said, these topics were extensively discussed on the Vikings Board.
Except of "woke".
I'm curious what the people say about it...and will read now his OP. 🍿​🍿​🍿​


This post was created as a “callout” from one imbecile to another since they were both arguing about it on other threads.

It is too bad that the second imbecile has not fallen for it yet since they both like to prove their juvenile points by spamming this forum with their bullshit links/proof/sources.

In other words, a couple of pussies going at it.




Yep, it's sad that I need to agree with you.
And I know this call-out-technique oh so well. ☻

In the meantime I've read the discussion at the other OP.
Ugly discussion...some good points were made (content).
But obviously it's impossible to talk without insults and disparaging remarks.☻☻

Well, I'm no angel either but when it crosses a certain line, it's no longer a discussion, it's just silly name-calling. ☻☻☻


you calling anyone a pussy is like lizzo calling someone fat.

you are the biggest pussy on here. remember pussy when you admitted to following me around here like a puppy?
