MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden Crime Family FACTS! (Go ahead, TRY...

Biden Crime Family FACTS! (Go ahead, TRY to dispute them)

The Biden Crime Family Facts
1. Pres. Barack Obama appointed his Vice President, Joe Biden, to be his "point person" on Ukraine. FACT
2. Hunter Biden was paid close to $100,000 a month (not a year, a MONTH) to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma. FACT.
3. Hunter Biden by his own admission had ZERO qualifications to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. FACT.
4. Ukraine suspected corruption within Burisma and started an investigation of this Ukrainian energy company. FACT.
4. Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine and threatened to whithhold $1 billion of US aid to the country if they did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was paying his son millions of dollars. FACT.
5. When a new leader was elected in Ukraine, Pres. Donald Trump, in a phone conversation with the new leader, asked that this be "looked into". FACT.
6. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in the US House IMPEACHED Pres. Donald Trump for asking the new Ukrainian leader to look into the Hunter Biden/Burisma deal. FACT.
So, WHERE is the corruption in this scenario? On the Trump side or the Biden side???


The Biden Crime family has been involved in the following:

• Money Laundering
• Bribery
• Theft
• Racketeering
• Lying in Official Capacity
• Making False Statements to Investigators and on Official Forms
• Conspiracy
• Quid Pro Quo
• Illegal Drug Use
• Prostitution
• Human Trafficking
• Adultery
• Pedophilia
• Incest
• Making Illegal Gun Purchases
• Mishandling Classified Documents
• Colluding with Foreign Enemy Nations
• Treason
• Sedition
• Dereliction of Duty
• Cheating on Taxes
• Election Interference
• Election Theft
• Blackmail
• Conflicts of Interests
• Obstruction of Justice
• Aiding and Abetting Criminal Activity

- 140 business crimes
- 191 sex crimes
- 128 drug crimes


great list, you might add that joe created a border crisis or he manufactured it on purpose.


I don't believe there is any proof of incest or pedophilia among members of the Biden family. That MarcoPolo site is run by a former Trump administration aide and Hunter Biden is suing him over various violations of privacy. You are again posting disinformation from a political activist instead of relying on reputable news sources.


That’s no surprise to anyone who has read the allegations of sexual inappropriateness against President Biden, or has seen the multiple videos and photos of creepy Uncle Joe with women and young girls: sniffing their hair, massaging their shoulders, pressing his forehead against theirs, grabbing them by the arm or kissing them on the lips, pulling them in close for a full-contact hug.

“Was I molested,” the author writes. “I think so — I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age . . . I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”

She also wrote that she was in treatment “for sexual trauma.”

The diary, in which the author identified herself at least twice as Ashley Blazer Biden, also referenced “probably not appropriate” “showers with my dad” as a young girl.

“I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma,” Ashley’s diary reportedly reads.

this reputable news source says Joe is a pedophile and took showers with his daughter.

also dont forget, "she was 12, I was 30."


There isn't any proof of incest or pedophilia committed by members of the Biden family. The articles you posted do NOT state that Joe Biden was/is a pedophile.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hunter Biden was banging an underage girl BUT I'm not aware of any allegations. Joe Biden is certainly handsy but it's not criminal to give someone a hug or to smell their hair.

Ashley Biden does write IN HER STOLEN DIARY that she THINKS she was molested. Molestation did not necessarily happen but it could have been a family friend, teacher, coach, pastor or anybody. A lot of cultures do various types of public bathing so I don't think it's a big deal if she showered with her dad. A lot of young kids don't really know how to clean themselves so parental guidance ensures that the kids will learn to bathe properly.


further proof is on the dark web. you can search for joe biden pedophilia on your own computer.


His denialism will prevent him from searching; if he does find it or it is provided, he will still reject it with more excuses, lol.

This is precisely why it is futile providing them with sources or links when they contemptuously request for it.


thats what democrats do. they say to use reputable news sources. well I used the same news source and he said it was fake. lol

democrats are sick people. he said it was ok for 12 year old girls to take showers with dad.

then he posts a link to random bath houses around the world. lol how stupid is that?


It has to fit their mental narrative; otherwise, they will furiously refuse and reject them at all costs.

Imagine IRL exposing the truth to someone who has devoted their entire life believing the lies and deceptions that the establishment has been feeding them.

It would be an absolute shock with a fight/flight response that only a few are able to comprehend and process in order to start making their own ‘independent and critical thinking choices/decisions’ based on that truth.


I knew you couldn't provide any proof! I'm not a criminal so I will avoid the dark web.

I did find some info that refuted all these wacky conspiracy theories about Democrat party pedophiles. It looks like QAnon was spreading these rumors about pedophilia and it was all part of the adrenochrome conspiracy theories. This is really whataboutism since the real sexual predator is Donald Trump. Twenty-six women have accused Donald Trump of various types of sexual harassment. I'm only aware of one accuser of Joe Biden and she has a history of lying and she recently emigrated to Russia. * 26 women accused Trump of sexual abuses *


those arent facts, those are random links. please use reputable news sources like the NY Post.

how can you find the facts if you avoid the dark web?


"I don't believe there is any proof of incest or pedophilia"

Facts don't care about your beliefs.

Your source does not disprove, refute nor debunk the information in any way.

51 agents lied to cover it up and you are still in denial.


Show me the proof. Where is the proof of incest or pedophilia committed by Joe Biden and his family?

Incest is between blood relatives so Hunter's relationship with Beau's wife was not incestuous.


further proof is on the dark web. you can search for joe biden pedophilia on your own computer.


I knew you couldn't provide any proof! I'm not a criminal so I will avoid the dark web.

I did find some info that refuted all these wacky conspiracy theories about Democrat party pedophiles. It looks
like QAnon was spreading these rumors about pedophilia and it was all intertwined with the adrenochrome conspiracy
theories. This is really whataboutism since the real sexual predator is Donald Trump. Twenty-six women have accused
Donald Trump of various types of sexual harassment. I'm only aware of one accuser of Joe Biden and she has a history of lying and she recently emigrated to Russia. * 26 women accused Trump of sexual abuses *


those arent facts, those are random links. please use reputable news sources like the NY Post.

how can you find the facts if you avoid the dark web?


It's so frustrating.......there is something very off this Democrat party...evil in way


Donald Trump has a long history of criminal behavior so Biden's ethical lapses pale when compared to Donald Trump's criminal behavior. The Biden family influence peddling will only matter if he is running against a politician free of these issues. Donald Trump may have outdone Joe Biden in the influence peddling game and the website below has the details.

I agree on points 1 and 2.

On point 3, Hunter Biden has never said that he was unqualified. Biden was/is a lawyer who
passed the bar exam and served on the Amtrak board of directors from '06 - '09. Ukraine has lots of gas and oil that they wanted to export and Hunter Biden could have helped the Ukrainian company deliver their oil/gas to foreign markets.,nominated%20by%20President%20George%20W.

On point 4, the prosecutor was investigating the company and Ukraine is a large country with several prosecutors. Biden claims that he withheld the aid since the prosecutor was not investigating political corruption cases. The 2016 McDonnell Supreme Court case made it legal for politicians to receive gifts unless they were specifically tied to the performance of official acts.


On points 5 and 6, Donald Trump was impeached because he withheld Ukrainian military aid authorized by Congress. Zelensky was calling Trump to ask about the javelin weapons and Trump then asked for a quid pro quo over the phone. * Trump Ukraine impeachment *


Once again, your sources does not disprove, refute nor debunk the FACTS posted by the OP in any way.


I certainly disproved points three through six. The OP left out a lot of FACTS and that would alter opinions. Lying by omission is a technique used to mislead and confuse people.


"The OP left out a lot of FACTS and that would alter opinions."

That is precisely what the mainstream media has been doing about Trump for the past eight years, thanks for pointing out the obvious projection and typical leftist handbook tactic.

I certainly disproved points three through six.

You disproved nothing except to provide "internet scriptures" that does not refute nor debunk anything.

The OP provided the basic FACTS and there was nothing misleading about them.

You are trying to obfuscate those facts because of your denialism.


The former president of the Ukraine basically disputed these so-called "facts" on Brian Kilmeade's show (much to his own chagrin). It's now been confirmed on Fox News that Victor Shokin is a completely crazy person and most of these conspiracies are basically based on bogus claims of a completely crazy person.


OMG...the so-called "impeachment hearings" were a total embarrassment for the House GOP. Their star witnesses admitted there was no prove of any wrongdoing. The committee members appeared totally inept and unprepared.


"Their star witnesses admitted there was no prove of any wrongdoing."

Not according to the hearing, the videos, and the FBI FD-1023 document.

Oh, never mind, I forgot that you only rely on leftist sources including mainstream.
